My wife and I took time to walk the beach recently and I thought to myself, "I think I could really enjoy being a "beach bum!" I said as much and she just laughed because I think she too would like to be able to walk the beach, collect shells and stick her toes in the salt water every day.
That is one of the many things we have going for us at Florida's Space Coast. The beaches are abundant and well-kept. Most of them offer free parking in order to enjoy the sand and the water. The beaches are very accessible and a lot of fun. If you want to grab a bite to eat after spending time in the sun that isn't hard to find either.
There are a lot of fun things to do in our county and not all of them cost a lot of money. Of course, if you want to enjoy the Orlando sights we are only an hour away or if you want to see the Kennedy Space Center that is right here as well. If you buy a year pass you can go back again and again to see what you were not able to see the first, second or third time.
Now it would be great to look for a nice house closer to the beach than our present one. I'm sure our growing bunch of grandkids would also like to visit more frequently if we were near the beach.