
Since when were comments on your Blog a BAD THING?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Virtual Results

Real Estate SEOFor years, SEOs have engaged in a practice called Link Sculpting.

Link sculpting is merely the idea that each page of your site has Page Rank and that page rank can be passed to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the Internet. Lets imagine PR points as currency. (Because it really is) If my Homepage has $20 worth of pagerank to invest and I have 20 outbound links on my site, it was common knowledge that Google would pass $1 worth of PR to each of the pages linked from that page. ($20/20=$1) A thoughtful SEO, however, could manipulate that PR currency to deep pages that he/she want to increase both the traffic and indexation rate. We could do this by “nofollowing” some of the links, telling Google NOT to follow the link, therefore making the existing links flow MORE Page Rank. Let me explain. If my Page has $20 worth of PR and 20 links, we can assume the each page linked to will get one PR dollar. If I then NO FOLLOW 10 of those links, the balance of the PR cash will just average onto the rest of the links. Therefore the 10 links that remain as Follow will get $2PR each. With this theory, and thousands of PR points to invest, I can “sculpt” my page rank to drive traffic and indexability to pages that might not otherwise see the Google light of day. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, because as these pages index, rank and create traffic patterns, (and inbound links) THEY earn PR points which in turn can we sculpted off to other pages in need… The entire site can be boosted, as it will have more indexed pages, a higher PR in general, more traffic, etc.


In a statement that rocked the SEO world, Matt Cutts, at SMX Advanced on June 3rd, stated that it is no longer effective to nofollow some pages in order to flow more Page Rank to the remaining followed pages. Basically, Matt stated (this is an example) that if your page has $20 worth of page rank and 20 links, 10 of which are no followed, the no followed links will still receive NO PR, but the remaining 10 followed links will only receive the $1PR each. In other words, nofollow links usurp PR, they just don’t pass it… Here is a quote from Rand Fishkin, owner of SEOMoz, “I’m saddened to say that given this change, we, as SEOs, are going to have to also recommend the best practice that comments (in all forms of UGC) no longer accept links. While Google has said that linking out to “good places” provides some value, that merely suggests that webmasters and site owners should select good resources editorially and link to them with live, followed links. Comments that contain links, unfortunately, will actively detract from a site’s ability to get pages indexed… ”

So who does this effect and does it effect you?

IMHO, this by and large only will effect those with moderate or low-level SEO experience. If you do not do SEO on your site, or have hundreds or thousands of pages with PR to pay with then this change will have little or no effect on your site. On the other hand, If you are a LARGE site with 1000s of pages and have, or are a talented SEO, you will simply revert to the practices of old.

Unless this policy changes, I will start creating my outbound links in a manner the robots can’t see or follow (in Flash, external Javascript with blocked calls, in plugin content,etc…) My gut tells me there is a WP plugin on the way that will do this. (Developers get busy) But if you have a decent sized site, with lots of PR and don’t know SEO really well, this conceivable could hurt. Frankly, I just dont understand why Google would do this. It seems really counter-intuitive to me.

Commenting and sharing community traffic IS web 2.0. If I can engage this community and leave a link that explains my credentials, that is cool. If I can carry the conversation back to “my place, even cooler. But a comment, without a link feels less authoritative to me. It loses some of its street cred, whuffie, social currency. I want to give the link to my commenters. I want my readers to know who is commenting on my site…and their authority within my community.

But until I hear a change in this policy, UNFORTUNATLY, my advise to my clients may have to be… “You just cant allow comment links until Google figures out the ramifications of this decision to our social media world, (and hopefully) reversed this decision.

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Vickie McCartney
Maverick Realty - Owensboro, KY
Broker, Real Estate Agent Owensboro KY

Hi Jim~ I liked your explanation in your comment, it was easier for me to understand! 

Jun 29, 2009 10:00 AM
Steve Orear

Thank you, Jim, for sharing your expertise with us.  Our position on Google is so very important to our success. Most of our business is internet based. We have brought our site up to the first page of Google when our customers search for Carson Valley Real Estate they see our site. As a result we get business.

Jun 29, 2009 10:19 AM
Ty M
San Diego, CA

What methods are there to restrain comment links from influencing search rank? Pop-up comment windows, CSS calls?


My company is currently building a blog/video/MLS based site to showcase REO properties in San Diego:

Jun 29, 2009 10:50 AM
Jim Marks
Virtual Results - Laguna Beach, CA



Yeah see where this is heading?  Took you two minutes...


My got feeling is we are going to end up creating my outbound links in a manner the robots can’t see or follow (in Flash, external Javascript with blocked calls, in plugin content, etc…)

Jun 29, 2009 10:58 AM
Russell Benson
Old Republic Title - Norman, OK
We'd love to close your deal at Old Republic!

You know, I wish I understood half of what you are saying.  I know that having a website is important and being found just as important.   I have both so I have always been confused about SEO and paying lots of money to be found, etc.

I enjoy reading about it though and appreciate your posting this information!

Jun 29, 2009 11:29 AM
Tom Ferry
Tom Ferry-yourcoach - Newport Beach, CA

There you go Jim- huge contribution!!! Thanks for this really great post. I am reading and re-reading line by line and am forwarding to my team!

Congrats on feature!

Jun 29, 2009 11:45 AM
Jim Marks
Virtual Results - Laguna Beach, CA

Tom, a site like yours is JUST the type of site that a talented SEO would PR sculpt.  Clearly you have pages that convert, and create SE clicks and others that are more valuable to people who already visit.  An SEO would use PR sculpting to float the PR on the pages that are going to benefit you most as outward facing....

People, i know this stuff is geeky and difficult, but I really am trying!!

PS: Toms got Gary Vee coming to his success summit.  If you dont know him, Gary Vee is a ROCKSTAR!!

Jun 29, 2009 11:56 AM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate

Thanks Jim that comment made sense to me.

Jun 29, 2009 01:31 PM
Michelle Gibson
Hansen Real Estate Group Inc. - Wellington, FL

I too will have to reread, Thank You for the post and hopefully it will make more sense the second, third or forth time around.

Jun 29, 2009 01:45 PM
Ginger Harper
Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage~ Ginger Harper Real Estate Team - Southport, NC
Your Southport~Oak Island Agent~Brunswick County!

You gave us a lot of information to absorb.  I think I will just print it out and read several times.

Good  info...thanks for sharing.


Jun 29, 2009 01:58 PM
Karen Monsour
Coldwell Banker Fort Lauderdale Beach - Fort Lauderdale, FL
REALTOR, SSRS - Sells FL Waterfront, Short Sale Expert!

Wrote you an email...

What I don't understand is why you cannot break it down. Obviously many of us are interested...thanks...   :-)

Obviously...many of us are trying to learn from you....  :-)  again...thank you.

Jun 29, 2009 02:11 PM
Dawn Maloney
RE/MAX Trinity Northeast Ohio Real Estate Specialist - Hudson, OH
330-990-4236 Hudson & Northeastern Ohio

I have to say, that by the time some of us learn this stuff, it has changed dramatically. Don't break it down for me Jim. I'm okay with it being over my head. I'm already spending enough time on this computer!!!

Jun 29, 2009 02:38 PM
Lane Bailey
Century 21 Results Realty - Suwanee, GA
Realtor & Car Guy

I'm probably screwed...  I know a bit about SEO, but I don't go overboard with it... I need to spend some time with my primary business and let some of the web stuff fall where it will fall.

Jun 29, 2009 04:24 PM
Jim Marks
Virtual Results - Laguna Beach, CA

Thanks for the comments, you guys.  I know that this stuff is frustrating, and to the extent you don't WANT to worry about it... don't.  Selling RE should always be your primary focus...  This kind of stuff might just get in the way.  With that said, however, THIS statement intrigues me...

Karen said "What I don't understand is why you cannot break it down. Obviously many of us are interested...thanks... :-)"

Karen?  Break what down.  Break 8 years of sitting in little rooms for 8 hours a day studying Website Analytics down into a 4 paragraph post?  LOL

I TOTALLY understand your frustration and I am happy to explain anything I can...

I left you an email offering you a conversation at your convenience...This stuff is really confusing.

Again, this post was meant to speak to Google possible change of strategy on SM...  not really intended as an SEO lesson.

Jun 29, 2009 05:20 PM
Virginia Hepp - Mesquite NV REALTOR
Desert Gold Realty - Mesquite NV Homes For Sale - Mesquite, NV
Mesquite NV Homes and Neighborhoods - Search MLS

I read the post twice and the comments once - usually if I don't have a clue what the post is talking about, I can get it from the comments - not this time.

But thanks for the post - that is why some of us have to pay people.  :)

Jun 29, 2009 06:25 PM
Sam DeBord -Coldwell Banker Danforth - Seattle, WA
Seattle Real Estate Broker

Comment links have been more of a spam problem than anything else, but...good links shouldn't be penalized. 

Jun 29, 2009 06:39 PM
Fernando Herboso - Associate Broker MD, & VA
Maxus Realty Group of Samson Properties - Clarksburg, MD
301-246-0001 Serving Maryland, DC and Northern VA

Thank you for your post Jim. .I believe SEO is a science that I wil never grasp.. nevertheless, I'm fascinated about SEO and I'm learning from your post. 

Thanks for sharing

Jun 29, 2009 10:57 PM
Home Loan Search.Online
Home Loan Search Online - Newnan, GA

Thanks for sharing this good information. I'm learning SEO and this is very helpful.

Jun 30, 2009 12:39 AM
Esko Kiuru
Bethesda, MD


SEO is constantly changing and here it goes again, led by Google. Who else? Your argument for not making this change makes good sense, so hopefully Google is listening.

Jun 30, 2009 07:08 AM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

I would also add that the practice of comment spamming here on AR has also become a case of BAD THING.  I see you've been hit too.

Jul 22, 2009 11:34 AM