How does your state's property tax compare to the rest of the country? With property values falling across the country the amount of tax paid should drop, however this is not the case. The inefficiencies with local assessing authorities has created a large inconsistency with assessed versus market value.
The site illustrates average property tax collections per state and ranks each state in terms of tax paid.
We would expect California to see a huge drop in tax collection compared to Oregon for example. Property value decreases have been more prevelant in California than Oregon yet average collections have remained proportional to Oregon even last year. What does this tell us? Assessment values are not falling like they should in California or the state has had tremendous millage rate hikes to offset the drop in taxable value. We know that California has not had any significant rate increases nor have many states, though they are trying.
The Property Tax Experts, Inc is a consumer advocacy group educating property owners to take notice of their property tax assessment. The flagship site, is a free resource for property owners to understand their property tax, tax assessment and resources to pay their fair share of property tax.