Hello to All: I wanted to know if you are experiencing the same thing in your market as I am in mine. It seems as if folks who wanted to move up decided to stay put because they cannot find anything on the market that they like. And, it seems like the folks who were out there buying have either bought already or decided they aren't going to buy now. Our inventory is low so not a lot of new listings on the market for us to show buyers; guess this might be one of the reasons why buyers are losing interest. Sellers don't seem interested in jumping the market when they are already losing so much money. And, sellers are pulling off the market rather than keep chasing it. What are you doing to drum up business? What are you telling buyers about the real estate market? What are you telling sellers about the real estate market?
I am experiencing about the same but we do have inventory. Much more than we need. But our market is a secondary market. Vacation and 2nd homes are the most of our inventory.
Wish I could drum up buyers. They are not here this year.
I'm surprised you even had to ask...we all feel the same...the market is a product of the ....
I don't even want to go there.
Just keep working, people will always buy and sell, sometimes the volume will be more than others. It's really difficult to measure the current market to the more recent past I think, because frankly people were buying and selling to make a buck, not so much to own a home.
But people still need to move for all kinds of reasons. I hope I can be there when they do!
In southern new hampshire, there seems to be some activity due to the stimulus.. the inventory is down, however, deals are coming together. We will see how things develope in the next few weeks.
We in Arizona are having the same problems as rhe rest of the country.I hope the market turns around soon.