
Real Estate Comedy in Cleveland: NEW PRICE

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Olsen Ziegler Realty

Have you seen this sign rider?


Why in the world would an agent or a seller, for that matter, want New Price, slapped on the For Sale sign in their yard? What happened to the Old Price? Is it a New House or is it the Old House? I cannot venture a guess as to how this will actually work to sell a house.

P.S.  The importance of a sign is almost nill.  While we had a top-notch graphic design firm create our logo, colors, etc., and believe in an absolutely stellar presence for our clients, the yard sign is mostly irrelevant in the online age.  Buyers are finding homes through the Internet and could care less what rider(s) is/are on a sign.  What I love even more are those home-grown agent-created sign riders that look like the peel off sticky things you get at a craft store, where nothing is lined up correctly, the colors are different, etc.

Content copyrighted by Chris Olsen and protected by CopyScape.

 Olsen Ziegler Realty -- A $marter Way to buy and sell your Greater Cleveland, Ohio Home


Tim Bradford
Cleveland, OH
NMLS 250013

Chris,  I have seen "Price Reduced", but not "NEW PRICE".    I believe as you do that the sign in the yard has little value today.  It is more of a way for the Broker to promote themselves more than the property itself.     I have seen some streets where it seems like every other house has a For Sale sign.  I might think this actually distracts from the street or neighborhood.  

The only value to a sign might be to get a call from someone that is really not actively looking, but sees a home that catches their interest.  A skillful agent might be able to turn this phone call into a potential client in the future.       

Jun 29, 2009 01:31 AM
Patricia Kennedy
RLAH@properties - Washington, DC
Home in the Capital

I've seen some "New and Improved Price" notes in ads and in the MLS information.  Like in this market someone would have a new and higher one!

Jun 29, 2009 02:16 AM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Chris, just like Tim I have not seen those riders either.  So that gives me an idea, maybe I should go get some of those "peel off sticky things you get at a craft store, where nothing is lined up correctly" and start and sell them to area Realtors ...... LOL

Jun 29, 2009 10:16 AM
Chris Olsen
Olsen Ziegler Realty - Cleveland, OH
Broker Owner Cleveland Ohio Real Estate

Hi Tim -- Your perceptions and statements are dead on.

Hi Pat -- Free entertainment eh?

Hei George -- I bet you could make it a full-time job in no time!  I saw a 3-Car Garage the other day, and it looks like a third grader did it, and worst of all, you look at the home and it's a single-door two car garage with the 3rd bay being a tandem.

Jun 29, 2009 12:52 PM