Have you seen this sign rider?
Why in the world would an agent or a seller, for that matter, want New Price, slapped on the For Sale sign in their yard? What happened to the Old Price? Is it a New House or is it the Old House? I cannot venture a guess as to how this will actually work to sell a house.
P.S. The importance of a sign is almost nill. While we had a top-notch graphic design firm create our logo, colors, etc., and believe in an absolutely stellar presence for our clients, the yard sign is mostly irrelevant in the online age. Buyers are finding homes through the Internet and could care less what rider(s) is/are on a sign. What I love even more are those home-grown agent-created sign riders that look like the peel off sticky things you get at a craft store, where nothing is lined up correctly, the colors are different, etc.
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Olsen Ziegler Realty -- A $marter Way to buy and sell your Greater Cleveland, Ohio Home