What a jerk...how would he like it if other Realtors treated him that way?
You should have confronted him for not disclosing to you and especially for not using his lockbox access. That's an azzhole move on his part. Out of curiousity, did you ask him if he was an agent? I ask callers if they have an agent or are one.
- Tchaka
Um.......how much else did he have to do?
It's apparent that he didn't disclose it on purpose. If I have a supra I'm not going to hang out waiting for a listing agent to come around.
- Tchaka
He definitely should have discloed to you that he was an agent. I would have asked him why he didn't and put him on the defensive. He needs to squirm a little.
The clients could have listed with him and I am almost sure they new about him and his office....that is probable why they went with you...#1-proves he is an a--hole. He didn't disclose that, a--hole #2, and why didn't he just go see it for himself...maybe he called the client and the client told him to see you if he wanted a showing of it...#3. # strikes and your out.
Personally...I would have taken him out back....
he should have let you know
in my experience anyone who doesnt tell you truth is hiding something for a reason
Oh P!
That really stinks! There are so many flakes out there.... That's why I always ask if you are an agent.