
Where Does one find a safe investment Ewa Beach Hawaii



It seems that everywhere we turn there is bound to be some-kind of scandal or unscrupulous behavior. One has to ask " what is wrongwith the world we live in?" If you are looking for a safe investment Real Estate would seem the place to go especially if you have access to a VA Loan. Firstly that vehicle will allow for 100% financing. Please think about that for a moment. If you want to buy $500,000 of intel you need to come in with $500,000. About 8 months ago a friend in Real Estate took$150,000 and bought GM. IF he had VA eligibility he could have bought a $783,750 home and put not 1 dime down. Bernie madoff couldn't even promise that kind of leverage. So lets say you take the plunge, get over the fear and Buy. Well my friends just sit back, wait and watch your investment grow especially if you have purchased in Hawaii. I am not saying your investment will never go down in value and let's say it does. Lets say the home you bought two years ago lost 100K in value, How much have you lost $100,000 right? WRONG. You have lost nothing not unless you decide to sell and why would you decide to sell in a down market if you could afford your Mortgage payment? You wouldn't, You would simply ride the wave out. In addition to you're building equity  and you are still capitalizing on a tax write off. Plus you will not get a call from the SEC informing you that you have been duped out of your life savings. Shame on  Mr. Madoff.  His actions are so offensive mere words are not enough to describe the pain he has knowingly caused. In times like this we need a hero. Please feel free to turn to the " VA Loan Hero"