
Kingsland GA and St Marys GA Real Estate Military Relocation Specialist

Real Estate Agent with ERA Kings Bay Realty

Did you know that when you are in the military and you have received orders that you are relocating to your new post you actually can work with a REALTOR that is a Certified Military Relocation Specialist.
Realtors that have earned this designation are far superior to your average Realtor. These individuals have taken an extra step to protect your best interest and learn all they can about the military and the military way of life and everything that pertains to buying real estate when you are a member of the military. Wouldn't you like to know that your Realtor knows about BAH, on base housing, off base housing, your VA certificate (and help you get a copy of it for the mortgage company), that knows what kind of mortgage you can afford based on your housing allowance, that can explain the new tax credit of up to $8,ooo.oo on your income tax return, who can instruct you on what the true value of a home is (not just the asking price), who can tell you where to find resources regarding the questions you may have regarding certain neighborhoods.
I know if I found out that I had a serious health concern I would want someone specialized in that area to tell me my treatment plan and naturally you would feel the same about your real estate needs which is going to be one of the biggest investments you will ever make.
Don't go for average, Go for extraoridnary and you will find that real estate transactions will go much more smoothly and you will be able to make much more educated and informed decisions regarding your home purchase.
To learn more about Military Relocation Specialist and Retirement Specialist in Kingsland, GA and St Marys GA Military Relocation Specialist and St Marys GA Retirement Specialist then feel free to visit me at or and you will find a one stop source to answer all of your real estate needs.