If you’ve tried to reach me in the past several days, you’ve found I’m unavailable except via email. No I haven’t had a heart attack but for the first time in my life I have had a health issue. It’s my lungs. The docs don’t know the cause yet and I’m the reason for my stay here at St. Lukes is to get a biopsy in order to figure that out. I’m writing this blog from my hospital bed.
I wouldn’t say I haven’t skipped a beat while here in the hospital but since we Realtors® do a large portion of our work in front of a keyboard and there’s wireless here at St. Lukes, I’ve been able focus on some of the more interesting aspects of my career. And because I can’t run out and show a bunch of properties or talk much on the phone I haven’t been dogged by the tyranny of the urgent. I’ve been able to focus on what I want rather than on urgent tasks which all of the sudden don’t seem so urgent. It’s helped me consider what’s really important not only in my life but in my career and I’ve enjoyed real estate more from my bed than from my desk.
The busyness of life often keeps us from self-analysis but I think we each need regular times of reassessment. For me it’s been forced because of my health issues but enjoyable nonetheless. I’ve had time to think and to consider if my actions really fall in line with what I’ve said I want my life to be about.
I articulated my purpose statement years ago and it goes like this:
"I will embrace Life, delve into Its beauty, know Its Creator and impart It to others. I will live a life of gratefulness, purpose, passion and creativity. By God’s grace my life will make a difference and have eternal significance."
I think I may have forgotten however that to impart life, I must first have something to impart. Henceforth I intend to remember and focus more on the aspects of my purpose statement that will bring about more life in me so that I’ll have more of it to give to others. Specifically I will attempt to be more purposeful about my life and reject the tyranny of the urgent.