Local Restaurants Join in for Concerts on the Common 2009
Weather permitting, the Thursday evening Concerts on the Common series in Sturbridge picks up this Thursday, July 2. And this year, concert attendees will see a little something extra: Several of the area's local restaurants have teamed up to offer picnic fare on the Common. You may see offerings from B.T.'s Smokehouse, Sturbridge Coffee House, and Rovezzi's. So, if you don't have time to pack a picnic, no problem. You can purchase your dinner at the Concert.
All concerts begin at 6:30 pm. Be sure to bring a chair or blanket - something comfortable. If the weather calls for rain, an alternate location will be announced.
Here is the tentative line-up of entertainment for the 2009 Concerts:
July 2, 2009 Nowhere Men (Beatles Tribute)
July 9, 2009 Black and White (Swing Blues)
July 16, 2009 Glamour Girls (Andrew Sister Tribute)
July 23, 2009 Prues Blues (Rhythm and Blues)
July 30, 2009 Tall Heights (Contemporary)
August 6, 2009 Tri Comunity Performing Artists Variety Show
August 13, 2009 Quintesstial Brass
August 20, 2009 Pucker (Rock)
August 27, 2009 Double Vision (Jugglers)
September 3, 2009 Lou Borelli Big Band (40's)