
Personalize the Pricing Process

Services for Real Estate Pros with Exit Family Realty

     Setting the proper asking price for your home is the single most important factor that will determine the success or failure of your home sales.  The consequences

of making the wrong decision are painful.  If your home is priced too low, you will literally be giving away thousands of dollars that could have been in your pocket. 

Price it too high, and your home will sit unsold for months, developing the reputation of a problem property (everyone will think that there is something wrong with

it).  Failure to understand market conditions and properly pricing your home can cost you thousands of dollars and cause your home not to sell … fouling up all of your


    When pricing a home, it is important to evaluate every minute detail, and incorporate its worth or value into what the home is worth.  You must personalize the

characteristics of the living conditions to enable an emotional experience when shown.  Another important aspect of pricing to keep in constant awareness, is 

price per sq. ft.  Watch your CMA's and be sure to keep your listing price in close comparison to the surrounding activity.  When turned on to the important numbers,

people will notice that the 4000 sq. ft. house next door is priced equal to a 1500 sq. ft. house because the average sale price is $500,000.  Just keep in mind that

even something like a nice shade tree in the yard could sell a home, if it is worth what they are paying to enjoy it.   

Chad Frank 

Ventura Co. Real Estate

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David Swierczynski
Retired - Antioch, IL


Want to really personalize the pricing process? Take the sellers out for an afternoon as home buyers. Show them all the person! I try to do this with all my sellers. The reality check comes hard and fast. If they want to sell they will price correctly immediately. If they aren't serious you'll find out quickly.


David Swierczynski

Jun 01, 2007 09:10 PM
John Caylor
Infinity Financial Group - Post Falls, ID
Post Falls, ID Mortgages
Thats a great idea David. How many sellers actually will take the time to do that?
Jun 01, 2007 10:23 PM


I've found that most sellers think it's a great idea and do accept. Not to mention no other agent they have spoken with made a suggestion like this. Or I hear "your the tell me what my home is worth" now if they are willing to take my price suggestion OK. If they want to list for more that's adeal breaker. They need to find another agent.


David Swierczynski

Jun 01, 2007 11:03 PM
Beth Bastian
Rosemont Financial Inc - Simi Valley, CA
Simi Valley Real Estate

Chad what a great post, very well written.

David that is a great idea. 

Jun 02, 2007 04:48 AM
Chad Frank
Exit Family Realty - Somis, CA
That is quite interesting David, my team is definitely going to experiment with that.  Thanks for the experience insight, successful practices are always welcome, haha.


Jun 03, 2007 04:42 PM
Fred Griffin Florida Real Estate
Fred Griffin Real Estate - Tallahassee, FL
Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

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