For example, he likes to use the word “lasterday” often. This is a Clive-ism in which he has combined the word “yesterday” with the words “last day” and made “lasterday”.

When I ask Clive if he would like waffles for breakfast he says, “Uh, mom I ate those lasterday”.  When we are leaving for the store I hear, “Didn’t we go there lasterday”? When it’s time to get ready for bed and I pick out his pajamas again I hear, “uh mom, I wore those lasterday”. Well, you get the idea.

So I’m sitting in my home office this afternoon and he notices I’m typing on the computer. I politely ask him to leave and change his shirt since he has lots of lunch leftover on it. He asks, “What shirt should I wear?” And I reply, ” Just put on a shirt Clive. It doesn’t matter which one. Just pick out your favorite.”

He has a puzzled look on his face and seems frustrated.

I’m now getting frustrated because I have a ton of work to do and he is not leaving my office to do what I asked of him.


“What Clive.”

“What’s my ‘A’ shirt?”

“What are you talking about? You don’t have an ‘A’ shirt.”

And then a look of relief comes over his whole body. “Well, you told me to put on an ‘A’ shirt and I didn’t know which one that was. Can you help me please”.

It took me a minute to realize that what I asked him to do he took literally. I asked him to put on “A” shirt. It was a nice reminder for me to keep my communication skills in check.

I love being Clive’s mom. Thought I’d share a moment of Clive with you as well.