
New Septic Rules For Shell Knob in Stone County

Services for Real Estate Pros with Midamerica Referral Network

Home Sales Will Be Affected

Any home sale closing after August 1st in Stone County, Missouri, will require proper documentation for a permit or septic inspection to receive a Certificate of Transfer.  Will this result in higher closing costs?  Probably.

The Realtor or seller would need to contact the Stone County Health Department to verify if there is a permit application on file for the property that is being sold.

If a permit is on file and the system is over 10-years old, an inspection will be required.  The Health Department has a list of state approved inspectors the home owner can contact.

If a permit is not on file, then the system must also be inspected and an inspector contacted.

If a problem is found the septic will need to be repaired to conform to current standards.  The buyer and seller  will need to work out repair details to their satisfaction. The transfer fee will be waived if the system needs repair.

There is a $25 fee to file the inspection report and obtain a Certificate of Transfer.



Call Joan for information on Shell Knob or Table Rock Lake properties  417-846-7128

Tri-Lakes REALTORS  417-858-2209


Steve Mattison
Canyon de Chelly National Mo, AZ
Vietnam Veteran

Joan, I know you are as excited about this as I am, but after seeing the effect of a few lagoons around, it needed to be done.

Jul 03, 2009 08:57 AM
Joan Snodgrass
Midamerica Referral Network - Kimberling City, MO

Hey Steve - Good to hear from you.  Yeah, I know it is needed, but got to wonder how many more hoops we have to jump thru and put our clients thru.  Oh well - we could live in California and really have hoops!

Come to think about it, if I have all these hoops I'm jumping thru...... how come I'm not thinner???

Jul 03, 2009 10:01 AM