
For Your Sake, For the Houses'

Services for Real Estate Pros with Coleman Real Estate Services

I am constantly dumbfounded by the number of expensive homes that are completely ruined by poor photography and lack of editing.  These things are beautiful in person, yet let a run-of-the-mill agent/broker/assistant loose into one with a point-and-shoot, and the outcome is consistently less than stellar.

Now this is difficult for me because I don't want to outrightly insult my potential clients, but people have to start realizing that this matters, artistically and in a business sense.

Houses are works of art and should be treated as such.  Just as an artist works in oil or clay, a homebuilder works in brick or stucco. 

Also, as a real estate agent, your listings are your product.  If your product doesn't sell, you don't get paid.   Why continue to leave your livelihood up to chance?  Make those million dollar listings look like million dollar listings!

Anyone with me? 






Owner, Coleman Real Estate Services

Phone: 251-599-1715

Fax: 251-639-7081




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Nattalie de la Mothe
Maximum One Greater Atlanta Realtors - Atlanta, GA
Selling Atlanta Homes like a Boss

Ryan - I totally agree, it bothers me as well, or whats even worst is when they have no pictures.... I just don't get it...

Great Post!

Jun 02, 2007 01:46 PM
Robert Walker
Remax - Buford, GA
The agents in my office said I was crazy to spend more than $100 on a camera.  I spent $600 and my listing pictures look great.  I took a color flyer to a 600k listing today and the client said he didnt even recognize his house.  Great pictures make a difference.
Jun 02, 2007 01:50 PM
Loreena and Michael Yeo
3:16 team REALTY ~ Locally-owned Prosper TX Real Estate Co. - Prosper, TX
Real Estate Agents
The non-professional photography or lack there of (any photography at all) really bizarres me. It's a reflection of the listing agent and especially in the price range.
Jun 02, 2007 02:29 PM
Carolyn Nelson
Realty One Carolina, LLC - Burlington, NC
Your Triangle to Triad Real Estate Expert!
The thing that really frustrates me is a kitchen filled with boxes counter tops filled with clutter, a beautiful refrigerator covered with little johnny and mary's artistic creations and a dining room table that looks like a storage area. Besides that, no pictures or pictures of the furnitures and beds, not the features of the home. Oh, not to mention those pictures I have seen that include the pets.
Jun 02, 2007 02:41 PM
haha, yes... i love shooting rear exteriors with pets in the way... thank God for photoshop...
Jun 02, 2007 06:04 PM