
Hi we're new

Services for Real Estate Pros

Hi everyone on Active Rain We are a new junk removal service for all of Orange County. We just wanted to introduce our services to all of you and hope to hear from you. We get the job done fast but we are also clean so when we are done the job site looks like new again so you can sell that house right away. So call us anytime toll free 1-877-591-5865.

Thanks for your time and hope to be working with all of you at some time,

Ian Middlebrook (co-owner)

P.S. If any of you have any advice on how to advertise and get our name well know in Orange County it would be greatly appreciated.

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Dinah Lee Griffey
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Allyn, WA
Managing Broker Windermere Peninsula Properties

SOunds great. We need a good group her in Washington State. Do you know of one-Dinah Lee

P.S. Welcome to Active Rain!

Jul 06, 2009 06:43 AM
Junk Monster
Santa Ana, CA
Junk Monster

I wish we were in Washingtion now cause we could be your group. No I've never heard of Dinah Lee.

Thanks for the welcome

Jul 06, 2009 06:48 AM
Kirk Westervelt
Van West Realty - Greenville, SC Realtor -Short Sale Expert! - Greenville, SC
Kirk Westervelt, Broker In Charge, Van West Realty - CDPE - Short Sale Agent - Home for Sale - Greenville, Simpsonvil...

Hello and welcome to Active Rain! I encourage you to learn from others, share your knowledge and experiences with all of us, enjoy yourself, and try to log in and join us in the Active Rain community as frequently as possible. I look forward to your future blogs and comments! Take care, --Kirk.

Jul 07, 2009 12:45 AM
Yvette Gardner
Keller Williams Realty, Spartanburg, SC - Spartanburg, SC

Welcome to the Active Rain community and congratulations on your first post.  Hope to see more of your blogs soon.  All our best, Yvette & Dennis

Jul 07, 2009 01:39 AM
Jean Terry
Keller Williams Realty Spartanburg, S.C. - Spartanburg, SC

Hi and welcome to Active Rain, a great site to network, share, learn, and have fun. Good luck. And if you ever need an agent in the upstate of South Carolina, please call me.

Jul 07, 2009 02:00 PM
The Trumm Team Omaha Homes for Sale, Real Estate
Keller Williams Greater Omaha - Omaha, NE

Welcome to ActiveRain!

If you would like a few tips on getting the most out of ActiveRain, just click search and type in "Welcome to Activerain by Troy Trumm". The first link returned will take you to my blog about getting started. It has a few simple steps of what to do now that you have joined.

If you ever have any questions, just let me know.

Troy Trumm, Trumm Team, Omaha NE

Jul 08, 2009 12:51 AM
Jason Rose
123 ConEd LLC -- Michigan real estate continuing education - Farmington Hills, MI

Welcome to ActiveRain, and congratulations on your first post.  This is a great place, so have fun.  Enjoy!

Jul 08, 2009 06:09 AM
Sergio Rebollo Jr.
Real Estate TeamMates - Miami, FL

Welcome to ActiveRain.  This is a great community to network with others as well a great place to learn from other's experiences and knowledge.  I've enjoyed it; I hope you enjoy it as well.

Jul 12, 2009 01:48 PM