Whether you are the do it yourself type or not, home safety is an integral aspect of keeping and managing a safe and loving household. Sometimes the thrill of buying a new house comes from the idea of personalizing it. Making it feel as if it is your own make - your home. People get so caught up with their plans to dirty themselves with the paint rollers and the purchase and setting up of fixtures that they forget important things like electrical wiring, plumbing, air conditioning, heaters, and so much more. A home inspection takes you back to these very concepts and reminds you to fix the basic foundations of any housing first.
There are basic precedents to setting up a good buy of any housing or property. Relying on mere aesthetics, although having its own values to be judged by is not enough. There are so many more aspects to owning a house that should first be considered before appearance. The old say "If you put lipstick on a pig, you still only have a pig". Foremost of those factors is of course safety and working order of all the systems and components therein. A solid house needs to have good electronics, air conditioning, walling, flooring, tiling, heaters among other things. The electrical system needs to be completely safe before habitation could even be remotely considered. You can't presume to live conveniently, when a shock could just be an outlet away. Home Inspection is crucial before and after making that decision to purchase.
There are things that a layman cannot possibly oversee without having specific knowledge. And even if you were brought up as an engineer, it never hurts to have a sound second opinion. Are you sure that all the junction boxes are safe and in working order? Is there any loose or exposed wiring lying about just around the corner? You can never be too sure, not when your safety is in question. This isn't a mere question of convenience but rather one of existence. A home inspection just happens to be practical enough to resolve both issues.
Home inspectors can guarantee that your housing or potential housing is in working order. If not, then it might be best looking for another venue. This relates to another crucial aspect towards real estate negotiations, value. The quality of the housing should be proportionate to its purchase price. Quality is measured by the efficiency and safety of all its internal systems. The fact that a buyer would have to pay for upgrades and renovations twice the original value obviously offsets the proportionality of the sale. Always try to get the upper hand or at least equal footing when negotiating for a valid purchase price. Make sure that the quality is up to par through home inspection.
Once you have assuredly ascertained that the housing is safe, you are free to negotiate for a reasonable offer. With the purchase of a house with solid foundations, you are more than free to decorate and add your own bits of personality. Home Inspection has in effect paved that way for layering and personal designs.