Tom and I work with Real Estate Professionals, not Social Media Marketers. There is a huge difference.
For Social Media Marketers, Social Media is their job. For Realtors, they have a job and social media is just a way to engage, communicate, become relevant in the market, build relationships, brand and generate leads (depending on who you speak to…) When teaching Social Media, the number one question (by a mile) I receive is: “
But where do you find the time?”
I hear this almost every day from my Realtors. Look, it is possible that YOU may not have the time. Possible, not probable. Here are some tips I share with my Realtors to ensure they can squeeze a bit more time for their Social Media Marketing Efforts
1) Control your day. - Do you get up each morning and let the day determine what your schedule is? Do you have 2-3 things on your calendar and “do some work” in between? Do you get up, go to the computer and REACT to your email? Not effective. Become a Task list taker. Keep detailed task lists and prioritize them regularly. Immediately upon finishing one task, start another. At the end of each day do two things.
a) Look at what you have ACCOMPLISHED. I know you work hard. Lots of people work hard. What did you remove from the list?
b) Decide what you are going to accomplish tomorrow and commit to work until you accomplish it. Knowing that you will work until you accomplish your goals, will ensure you don’t waste time on non-productive stuff.
2) Get Mobile-How often are you parked in front of a home, waiting for a client, or Realtor to meet you. How are you investing your down time? Social Media Applications (twitter and facebook, etc.) have GREAT mobile apps. Keep in contact with your community through out the day, in your less productive time. (And for some, I know the word “app” sounds scary, but they’re not. They are simple, easy to download and use tools to make you more efficient- trust me!
3) Understand the cloud- Web based applications like gmail, facebook or twitter allow you to chime in from any computer, anywhere. At the office or a client with a few extra minutes? Get in touch.
4) Have a Virtual Lunch- Who do you go to lunch with, friends? Fellow Realtors? How about grabbing a sandwich and sitting down in front of your computer with your Active Rain or FB Friends and favorite tweeples.
5) Schedule it. It’s Marketing. Just like everything in life, sometimes when we don’t write it down and commit to it … it goes undone. And when you’re online engaging and marketing yourself, it can be quite easy to surf the net for latest news or celebrity gossip, or check out the sales online. Once you commit in your schedule time to engage in social marketing, hold yourself to this time allotment. 6) Remember, for many this is their form of Prospecting. – For years we’ve been taught to spend an hour or three making calls or knocking on doors, following up on leads, scheduling appointments after open houses and sending personal note cards. Today, spending strategic time on Twitter searching key action phrases like “looking at homes in LA” or “looking at Trulia” and engaging prospects is a valid form of prospecting. Spend some time getting your ‘virtual home tours’ on YouTube or Active Rain.
The key is (like everything else we do throughout the day) have a plan, an outcome and be intentional and it will pay off big time.
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This was the collaboration between Jim Marks( a social media strategist, and Tom Ferry, ( a Realtor coach and trainer. Leave a comment if you would like more tips on how to control your time and create a successful social marketing strategy.