Ahhh, Woodland Park in the summer time! Living in a town of about 7,000 residents, we locals know you can’t do much of anything without someone else knowing about it. Typical circumstances would allow for us to chit chat in the grocery store, at the post office and the bank. But when summer hits, all the rules change.
The constant influx of SUV’s, campers, RV’s and 5th wheels along highway 24 and through the main drag of town remind us locals we are not alone. A visit to the grocery store (my fav: City Market) seems to transport us to the land of confusion. There are so many faces we don’t recognize! The checkers don’t have time to congratulate me on my 3rd trip there that day. Yes, that does happen for me!
I’ve heard many a local begrudging our tourist crowd. They come from Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arizona and where ever else. They like to bring their grandkids and they drive VERY SLOWLY. But let us to not be too hasty to judge. They also bring their money, and their happiness. We resident Woodland Parkers may feel our town has been taken over. But, who can blame them??
We are so very lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. The afternoon rain showers offer a wonderful reprieve from mid day heat (have we even hit 90 yet this summer-I think not). Just put yourself in the middle of Texas with flat land and 100 degree weather. When I see grandparents and grandkids in the grocery store stocking up their campers and vacation homes; I smile and just imagine those kids growing up with wonderful memories of grand pop and mammy taking them to Woodland Park and the beautiful mountains for the summer. And when they get old enough, they’ll be calling me to buy their own little piece of heaven right here in Colorful Colorado. Count your blessings my friends!