
ActiveRain Community Guidelines

Reblogger Aaron Warner
Services for Real Estate Pros with Recruiter for Central Bank

Original content by ActiveRain Real Estate Network

The following are the ActiveRain Community Guidelines. For an expanded explanation/definition of each point, simply click on the highlighted links.

Respect the Real Estate Industry 

ActiveRain is a place where real estate professionals can network with their peers and discuss industry insider topics. It is also a public forum where consumers can pull back the curtain and see what the real estate industry is really about. 

Because of this level of transparency and openness, ActiveRain members must remain zealous in their quest to represent our industry in as true and professional of a light as possible, for both their fellow professionals, and the consumers who access this platform.

Respect the ActiveRain Community

Being a part of any community requires a certain level of trust. Don't abuse the site or your fellow members. By joining the ActiveRain community you are given a platform to present your ideas and opinions to a large number of people. We trust you to be responsible with that platform; thousands of other ActiveRain members are also counting on your trustworthiness.

Please take these rules seriously. Don't try to look for loopholes or ways around them; please take them to heart and try to respect the spirit in which they were created. We administrate this community using logic and common sense, and we will give greatest regard to the intention of the rule. If we decide to terminate your account as a result of a violation of these Community Guidelines, you will be prohibited from ever signing up for another account!

We Review Content Flagged As Inappropriate

When content on ActiveRain is flagged as inappropriate, we will review the content to determine whether or not it violates our Community Guidelines. If we remove content after reviewing it, you should assume that we removed it purposefully, and you should take our warning email seriously. If you find content on ActiveRain that you believe violates the intention of our Community Guidelines please flag it for our review. If the content does not have a flag feature available, please contact support with the details of the violation. Please do not attempt to correct or discipline another ActiveRain member directly!

ActiveRain is built for Community

We built ActiveRain as a place for real estate professional to network and create a sense of community/belonging. This is your community! It is our members that make ActiveRain such a special place.

  • Have fun with the site. Don't be afraid to dig in! There's a lot to do and learn here.
  • Let ActiveRain staff and other members know what you are thinking. Member feedback is essential to our continued growth and development
  • Get connected. At first ActiveRain may seem, both at the same time; so big that you could never be heard, and so small and cliquish that you will never be a part of it. Everyone experiences this phenomenon. Our suggestion is to start off slow; read blogs, then start commenting on posts that interest you, and once you feel ready, blog away!

—The ActiveRain Team