
Hoapili traffic mess. makakilo Hawaii


Hoapili is a new development in the works offered by DH Horton. The proposal is to build 12,000 new homes in the next 15 to 20 years. Sure this brings more product and more product means more transactions however it also means more traffic mess and, too much product can also mean lower value. If you have ever got on the H1 at 5 am from makakilo heading East, you will know that a 10 minute late start could result in an extra 30-45 minute commute. In addition most of the building will be done on what is now Alun farm. This means the farmer looses out and gone are the jobs that now exist not to mention 30% local food production. The infrastructure to support the water system will not sustain and water Will need to be pulled from the ocean.

I must admit I am torn on what to do. The logical answer would be to figure out the traffic mess before more homes are to be built. There will be 4 town hall meetings in ewa and kapolei. Come find out the facts and you be the judge. If you want to know more please feel free to give me a call. MAHALO

Fernando Herboso - Associate Broker MD, & VA
Maxus Realty Group of Samson Properties - Clarksburg, MD
301-246-0001 Serving Maryland, DC and Northern VA

Why don't you move away. . .who needs that traffic in Hawaii. . must be torture driving trough the green mountains overlooking at the water reflecting all over your eyes while you crawl your way on a convertible breathing fresh ocean air . .YUK!

Come to DC area and the  Beltway at 5PM . .you can cruise at 5MPH and the only scenery you will see  is the black smoke of a delivery truck

Jul 07, 2009 10:40 PM
Dave White
VA Loan Hero

Aloha Ferando,

Why don't I move away? Hmmmm Hard to answer but I'll give it a shot. First of all I'm a transplant from Chicago and relocated to Hawaii in Jan 2006 after a break up. Prior I had built a very successful pipeline that was generated from 2001-2006. Most of my dealings were done with clients residing on the North Shore. In fact I was in contetnion to do a transaction with Tom Ricketts who recently aquired the Chicago Cubs. I didn't land that one but, we must experience defeat to know the feeling of victory. I walked into not only the Mortgage meltdown, but the housing bust as well not to mention, I was the new Haole on the block. I went from consistently making $200,000  a Year to living out of a bag of change, sleeping in my car and showering in the gym. There were many times when i was ready to throw in the towel and head back to my cush life in Chicago. I thought to myself if I just keep swinging I can actually reside where the rest of the world's population can only dream about visiting for a few weeks. After two years of complete hell something amazing started to transpire. It was my discovering that a huge segment of population here was receiving horrible information. They were our very own military men and women. The people that  truly give you and me freedom. Now I'm not sure where you originally hail from or how you feel about your military member's, but I know I'm extremely grateful for mine as I would not have the courage to do what they do. I have since gone form wondering where my next meal was going to come from to airing a commercial on the country station that runs 10 times a week. In addition I give Free VA seminars to anyone that will listen. I made it through the hell. The traffic out here is a huge problem and its only getting worse. Too much of anything too fast is never a good idea. So after all that I just have one question for you?  why don't you move??

P.S Its funny you mention convertiable as I have my eye on a shiny new infinity G 35  however if I do give up my 2003 Camry ill probably just get a 2nd hand Toyota solara

Jul 07, 2009 11:15 PM