
Check Out This Kitchen!

Home Stager with Heaps of Decor and Home Staging Top Sales

Check out this Kitchen, have you ever seen anything quite like it?

These home owners called me wondering why their home was not selling and it was not rocket science to figure out why. I actually spent an entire day packing up all the clutter in their kitchen and living room and to be honest, it still requires more however, the home owner had limited space for her much needed essentials in the kitchen but what an improvement in the end. 

I remind my clients that Kitchens and bathrooms are the 2 major rooms that sell homes!  When you're selling your home there should only be a couple of decorative items on the counters tops and everything removed from the faces and tops of the appliances.  All items should be removed from the floor especially, if they are blocking the traffic flow.  All reflective surfaces should be seen and sparkle!

The kitchen is the one room you have to pay special attention to when selling your home!

Check out the before and after photo below!

Kelly Heaps

Home Staing Top Sales

Kitchen BeforeKitchen After De-cluttering

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Luciano Marquez
Mr. Home Inspector - West New York, NJ

I can't imagine what the rest of the house looks like! Yikes, a home inspection nighmare!

Jul 08, 2009 01:42 AM
Connie Lou Barnett
Real Living/Home Realty - Owensboro, KY


   You certainly had your work cut out for you one this listing. I hope it sells quickly for you.

Connie Lou

Jul 08, 2009 01:45 AM
David Daniels
Owner of FlyersToYou, Inc. and former Top Realtor - Hemet, CA


GREAT job!!!!

I remember a listing I took once where the Mrs. had porcelain dolls EVERYWHERE throughout the home. I don't mean one or two.

I'm talking HUNDREDS!!

Every room in the house had shelves FILLED with them. All lined up....all in various dress, all staring at you no matter where you stood. It was creepy!!

I told her that many, many people would be walking through their home as soon as we began the marketing process, and for the safety of her doll collection, we should box them all up and put them in the garage. That way, we could be sure none would be stolen or broken.

She did.




Jul 08, 2009 01:47 AM
Bill Ladewig - Escondido, CA
Experience Is Your Advantage

Yeah ok... so it's cluttered and a stager's nightmare but... it looks good to me.

Jul 08, 2009 01:51 AM
Goodbye Active Rain
Out of Real Estate

This kitchen is/was filled with a lot of miscellaneous items cluttering up the true beauty of a kitchen.  Nice work!

Jul 08, 2009 01:58 AM
John Slocum
Premiere Property Group, LLC - Vancouver Washington - Vancouver, WA
Broker, SFR - Vancouver WA Real Estate

Kelly, that is quite the photo of the "before" scene!  I know myself when viewing a home like that I start thinking more about why these folks have so much stuff instead of the home itself -- which usually means the buyer-prospect may be off on that tangent as well.  Thanks for sharing.  John

Jul 08, 2009 01:59 AM
June Lewis
Northwood Realty Services - New Castle, PA
Realtor Northwood Realty - New Castle,Pa Lawrence Co 7247304571

Boy a perfect picture for .." what is needed....less is more '   All it needs is to get rid of everything that isn't attached.

and especially the pots and pans.  I could never understand why people like their pots and pans dangling from the ceiling

Jul 08, 2009 02:10 AM
Dennis Chanski
Hebron, CT

Style is in the eye of the beholder, and obviously the owners thought their style would be appealing to everyone.

Jul 08, 2009 02:11 AM
Kelly Heaps
Heaps of Decor and Home Staging Top Sales - Georgetown, ON

Yes, the magnets were removed from the fridge however, there were still items left on top as she needed her bread box and flour tin.  The pots were actually removed for the video shoot but there was another kitchen in the home upstairs with the same full potrack.  I was able to remove all the items in this kitchen and boy did it ever let the light in when they were all removed!

Thanks for your response!



Jul 10, 2009 12:25 AM
Kelly Heaps
Heaps of Decor and Home Staging Top Sales - Georgetown, ON

The rest of the house was pretty much the same, a museum of things.

Dave, they had over 100 stuffed and collectible bears in their bedroom, it was a very difficult process for them emotionally to de-clutter.  It had to be done because as a buyer, your eye was everywhere except on the fine architecture features of the home and in some rooms you couldn't even see them.

Thanks for everyones comments and feedback!



Jul 10, 2009 12:43 AM
Lori Donegan
Ready 2 Stage - Cleveland, TN

Unbelievable!  But, I see this all the time on our local MLS listings.  Southerners love their clutter and have a hard time parting with it!  You did a great job, but I agree--you really should do more.  That's a great kitchen and your eyes get stuck on the stuff!  Thanks for sharing!

Jul 11, 2009 08:14 AM
Ginger Foust
Certified Staging Professional - Oakhurst, CA
Home Stager Oakhurst CA, Dream Interior Redesign & Staging

All too common. At this point when I see kitchens and other rooms that are overstuffed the first thought that enters my mind is that the sellers are not very motivated.  I know that isn't always the case but IF they were, they would listen you and let you proceed.  A kitchen like that says..."hello, I'm small and there's not enough storage".  It's too bad.

Jul 12, 2009 08:09 AM
Patty Hill, Broker Associate
Local Homes and Land, Inc - Summerville, SC
Local Homes and Land, Inc

Living with the things we love most often causes us to live an overstuffed life.  Keep us posted with the results.  Thanks for sharing.

Nov 30, 2009 02:46 AM
Wendy Tomm
Beyond the Walls - East St Paul, MB
CCSP, RESA-PRO, BBB - Wpg Realtors

Oh my are they even able to cook in this kitchen.  Good work!

Aug 22, 2011 09:31 AM