I recently joined LinkedIn and am beginning to get a clue on how to drive traffic to my website. LinkedIn allows me to put a link to my website as well as my blog here in ActiveRain. I have noticed a real up-tic to hits on my website since I have been blogging on ActiveRain. Here is a list of 10 Ways to Use LinkedIn that I found on the web. They were published by Guy Kawasaki:
1. Increase visibility by adding connections.
2. Improve connectability by including past companies, education, affiliations and activities.
3. Improve Google PageRank by making your profile information available for search engines to index.
4. Enhance search engine results by linking to your blog and website.
5. Perform blind, "reverse," and company reference checks. You can find people who worked with you and ask for references.
The rest of the list is relevent to job searches. If you need that information go to LinkedIn and read Guy's Blog.