
Home Staging on a Budget - Charlotte, NC Case Study

Home Stager with Perfect Places by Glenda


I recently staged a home in Charlotte, NC, which sold on Friday, July 3rd. This home was on the market for a year. The house was pulled off the market on April 30th and it was staged on May 13th. It was put back on the market on May 16th and in escrow on May 22nd. Oh, I forgot to mention that the listing was initially listed and relisted with the same Realtor. 

Dining Room Before

Dinign Room Before


Dining Room After

Dinign Room After


Living Room Before

Living Room Before


Living Room After

Living Room After

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Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation

Welcome to Activerain, Glenda, and congratulations on a great post.  These pictures do speak a thousand words.  Keep 'em coming so we can share them with our seller-clients.  That's the best way I know of to "sell" staging to sellers!

Jul 10, 2009 01:40 AM
Stacy Cardoza
Knipe Realty Inc - Salem, OR

Glenda -

Both sellers and listing agents need all the help we can get to set our listings apart from the crowd.  You've done a great job with your photos and will undoubtably be an asset to your  clients!  Good Luck to you!

Jul 10, 2009 01:56 AM
Sasha Miletic - Windsor Real Estate
RE/MAX Preferred Realty Ltd. - Windsor, ON

Hi Glenda, Welcome to AR. All the best for your RE business..

Best - Sash

Jul 10, 2009 02:30 AM
Glenda Hodge
Perfect Places by Glenda - Harrisburg, NC

Thank you Sash.

Jul 10, 2009 02:41 AM
Terry & Bonnie Westbrook
Westbrook Realty Broker-Owner - Grand Rapids, MI
Westbrook Realty - Grand Rapids Forest Hills MI Re

Welcomefrom the photos it make such a difference to have a professional prepare the property great job.

Jul 10, 2009 02:10 PM
Virginia Tatseos
Stage-Show-Sell - Bloomfield Township, MI

You go girl.  You got the message out.   Staged homes sell.

Welcome to Active Rain

Jul 12, 2009 06:19 AM
Peg Prather
Vancouver, WA
Vancouver, WA

Glenda; it looks like you used mostly the homeowners furnishings, which can be a challenge; but you made it all look great! Congrats on the  quick sale of the home. (By the way, I love the name of your company: Perfect Places by Glenda...that says it all!) Welcome to AR.

Jul 12, 2009 12:57 PM
Glenda Hodge
Perfect Places by Glenda - Harrisburg, NC

I did use the homeowners furnishing. It was not easy. The furniture was very outdated. Thanks, Peg. I love your website. Thanks everyone for your encouraging posts and the warm welcome to AR.

Jul 13, 2009 03:37 PM