So in addition to your real world experience as a real estate professional, you decide to earn a REALTOR® designation or two, or three or more. Let me say a few things about that.
When I was newly licensed, one of the first things I did was lay out a schedule of GRI® (Graduate of REALTOR® Institute) courses I simultaneoulsy took while getting that real world experience. During my coursework, I was often asked by seasoned pros "Why are you earning your GRI® when you are so new?" Well that was an easy answer: To better myself and learn from others how to avoid issues that I hear from good people like yourself! Truth is, that designation was so valuable to me as a new licensee that I wish it was required of all to complete upon obtaining their license. I have applied so many principles, gained so much confidence and shared so much with others as a result of it. You attend real estate school, pass the state exam and off you go into the WILD BLUE YONDER! Let's face it, knowledge is power and in the ever competitive world of real estate, you'd better SHOW you know what you are talking about!
Soon after earning my GRI®, I took the e-PRO® course online which gave me more confidence in integrating technology into my real estate business. It wasn't until a year later that I earned my SRES® (Seniors Real Estate Specialist) designation. Only months after obtaining my SRES®, I was contacted by a relo company (having seen me on a list of SRES® designees) for an opportunity to list a home in a master planned seniors community-as a matter of fact, all three agents they interviewed came from the SRES® site! No, I didn't "get" the listing, but I wasn't interested in taking an overpriced listing either!
You cannot take away years of experience in the field...but let me say this: There are some however, who have been in the business for years, collect the minimum renewal hours and still lack the basic skills it takes in real estate. Earning designations can be looked upon in the same way-you can earn it, but applying what you learn to real world situations and avoiding the pitfalls is what will make you a success.
Share with your clients what the value of alphabet soup after your name means to them. Don't worry that you may appear to be a "show off"-I got over that fast. I truly feel that it is a combination of experience and continued education-both renewal hours and designations that will take our industry to a higher level of professionalism-and often most (if not all) of the classes you take for the certifications/designations apply towards your renewal hours! I will always be a work in progress-next up for me: Earning my ABR and my brokers license.
Now go eat yourself some alphabet soup!
Go to
Margery B. Berbling, PLC REALTOR®, GRI, e-PRO, SRES, AHWD