
Satellite Dish or Cable ?

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Traditions (Cleveland, Ohio)

It's certainly tempting...this last offer is 77% off my cable bill (how do they know what my cable bill is?).

While it sounds heavenly, we've heard a lot of horror stories about satellite dishes and the removal of snow off your roof to get better reception.  Our winters dump about 100 inches of snow on our roof. 

Should we conntinue to turn our backs on the dish or is it time to pull the trigger?

Jim & Joan Norbuta



Serving the communites of Aurora, Auburn, Bainbridge Township, Chagrin Falls, Solon, Twinsburg, and all of the Chagrin Valley.  Call us for referrals to outstanding RE/MAX agents in other communities

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Anthony Stokes-Pereira /REALTOR
LPT Realty - Orlando, FL
LPT Realty

Hi Jim;

I preferred cable, I think it is better service and more cost effective.

Jul 14, 2009 05:07 AM
Jim Norbuta
RE/MAX Traditions (Cleveland, Ohio) - Chagrin Falls, OH

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for your note...but I'm still on the roof.

Jul 14, 2009 05:19 AM
Pat Champion
John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs

I don't have cable access in my area only satellite is available-it has its problems from time to time.

Jul 14, 2009 05:41 AM
Dennis Chanski
Hebron, CT

I have had both, and they both have their benefits.  What I found is that there is an introductory rate and once it is over the price goes up.  I found that the company was not willing to continue the rate I signed up for and had no problem with me changing provider.  I would think that some money rather than no money would be preferred.  DAC

Jul 14, 2009 05:51 AM
Debbie Arriero
Arriero Realty, Inc. - Bluffton, SC
30+ Years in Real Estate!

We have dish - we don't even have cable up to the house - I just couldn't dig up our yard when we built the house

Jul 14, 2009 07:50 AM
Jim Norbuta
RE/MAX Traditions (Cleveland, Ohio) - Chagrin Falls, OH


Hope you haven't had to get on the roof and shovel snow....

Many Blessings,


Jul 14, 2009 09:37 AM
Jim Norbuta
RE/MAX Traditions (Cleveland, Ohio) - Chagrin Falls, OH


It's a funny thing about those teaser rates....isn't that a major part of why we got into this real estate dilemma.  How long were their terms before raising the price?



Jul 14, 2009 09:41 AM
Jim Norbuta
RE/MAX Traditions (Cleveland, Ohio) - Chagrin Falls, OH

Hi Debbie,

We were condo dwellers for 15 years before we built this house.  I don't worry about the yard...Joan worries enough for both of us.,,,,yes, dear.  The mulch is ordered....

Jul 14, 2009 09:44 AM