
Larry Weeks Community Pool in Warrenton, VA

Real Estate Agent with United Real Estate Horizon

Formerly known as Vint Hill Pool, Larry Weeks Community Pool is fun for the whole family. My kids and I got a chance to visit today and had a blast swimming the afternoon away. The fees are reasonable compared to other area pools that we've gone to this summer. They do have a concession stand and plenty of lifeguards on hand. There were several day camps there and therefore no shortage of kids to splash along with!  The whistle is blown at quarter til each hour, so plan your arrival and check-in accordingly. Plenty of seating to eat your snack or lunch. Enjoy and we plan to do swim lessons in August offered at the pool.

The Larry Weeks Community Pools at Vint Hill
4248 Bludau Drive
Warrenton, Virginia 20187

Have FUN in the SUN this summer!

Dawn Porter, Marketing Manager