while lending keeps getting tighter with rules and regulations, The VA loan stands solid. True ratios have been cut, and credit requirements are stricter, however pound for pound if you are working with an experienced VA LO you should be fine.
Recently I was given a lead on a VA client. No sooner had the lead been given to me when the referring agent frantically called me back and asked me not to contact the client as they had elected to use Navy Fed. Several days passed and yesterday my phone rang. It was the same frantic Realtor asking me to once again call the client. Seems that Navy fed could not deliver what they had promised. `After speaking to the client I was able to get a DU approval on a 59% back end ratio. Her good credit and reserve definitely helped however I admit I was surprised at the approval. Of course we all know that the loan has to go through underwriting, and human error can come into play there, but at this point we have a solid approval. Folks if you have a back end ratio under 60 On a VA transaction run with it. Of course knowing what Lender to go to is crucial.
Thats all folks