
Sad But True: Some Criteria for NOT working with a Client

Real Estate Agent with Sandals Realty

During a recent family get together, the topic of some of my most interesting / least enjoyable clients came up and as I was sitting there thinking about it, I put together a list of things that clients have done to earn the right NOT to work with me.  I can't wait to see what some of you will be adding to this post...


Top Ten Reasons Bryan Won't Work With You:

Over the past ten years, and after having worked with hundreds of clients, I've now been able to develop a set of standard criteria that I use to determine which clients I'm NOT willing to work with.

#10.   You call me and say, you're planning to retire in about 3 years, (which actually means 5 - 7), and would like to come down a couple times a year so I can show you homes that you have no intention of buying, "Just so we can learn the area, but don't worry, we'll use you when we are finally ready to buy!"

#9.   You say you can afford a Florida vacation home but don't really want to rent a car because you're sure I'll be happy to just drive you around for a few days while you're here.

#8.  You call me or email me and want me to email you homes and answer endless questions.  Then you say to me, "I've never been to your area, but I'm sure I want to move there next year.  Oh, wait; or maybe to South Carolina, or Texas, or possibly Denver..."

#7.  You have between 1 and 9 out-of-control children that have to view every home with us, and you truly feel that, "Disciplining them could seriously stunt their artistic growth potential."

#6.  You're not really the one buying the house, "But my mother's - brother's - daughter's - best friend's cousin, really has the exact same taste that I do and I can pick out just what they are going to want to buy.  After I see some good homes I'll put you in touch with them."

#5.  You realize that the market is at an extreme low right now and that there some amazing deals out there, BUT you still feel that because the stock market is down and the economy is uncertain, there are probably a lot of people in Florida who are just waiting to give you $250,000 - $350,000 of what's left of their current, hard earned equity, because, after all, "What if things get worse?  Then I would have to take the loss!"

#4.  Your husband, wife, significant other, really doesn't need to talk with me first because, "They have exactly the same taste that I do.  Don't worry!"

#3.  After talking with you and setting up an appointment I call back to discover that the name you gave me on the phone doesn't match the name the people at your house know you or your wife by.

#2.  You don't really have any money for a down payment and although you haven't kept up on your credit cards and auto loans, you really need to see a few homes with me before you would feel comfortable applying with a lender to get a mortgage Pre-approval letter.

#1.  You want me to go out and show you homes that are roughly 20 to 100 times what you can afford because, "We are about to receive a VERY large settlement from, (fill in the blank,) _____ our law suit, inheritance, worker's comp claim, insurance settlement, divorce decree or the on-line European Lottery!"

So, as odd as it may seem, I would really prefer to find someone to work with who does not meet any of the criteria above.  I would rather just work with someone who happens to be a decent, relatively normal person, with the means and desire to purchase a Florida property, and who is looking for the guidance and advice of a true professional!  Well, I can dream, can't I?