
Some Interesting Plants

Home Inspector with Helm Home Inspections

The following photos are of a few interesting plants in my garden.  The gardens are quite large and have many unusual and interesting perennial plants.  This garden is located just outside the town of Bellingham, Wa. at approximately 49 degrees north latitude (just south of the British Columbia border).  The profusion of green is a function of the mild weather brought to this northerly area by warm ocean currents.  We are much milder here than most inland areas cosiderably farther south.

Phlomis                                     Allium

Podophilum                                     Solomon Seal

Plume Poppy



Posted by

David Helm, Inspector, Helm Home  Inspections Bellingham, Washington  Licensed Home  Inspector #272                                                       WSDA  Licensed Structural Pest Inspector  #69844                                                                                    

Donald Sutherland
Marathon Constructors Inspection Services - Seward, AK
Inspector-Seward, Alaska


Looks good, my yard is starting to greenup finally. And it should, all its been doing around hear for the past month is rain. Have a great summer.

Alaska Don

Jun 04, 2007 05:20 PM
David Helm
Helm Home Inspections - Bellingham, WA
Bellingham, Wa. Licensed Home Insp
Thanks Don.  Where in western Washington did you grow up?  I need to get up there to Alaska some time.  It's been over forty years since I've been there.  Actually flew supplies up to Anchorage, from Hawaii, on Easter Sunday after the good friday earthquake (was that 63 or 64? The years go by so fast!)  Used to also fly in to such garden spots as Adak, Cold Bay and King Salmon.  The hilight was always the trips into Kodiak.  We'd bring a bunch of pineapples and trade them for King Crab (back when the king crab was three feet across).  A couple of fresh pineapples would buy drinks all night in the local Kodiak establishments.
Jun 04, 2007 06:42 PM
Donald Sutherland
Marathon Constructors Inspection Services - Seward, AK
Inspector-Seward, Alaska


Born in Kirkland, lived all around the Greater Seattle area. 9.2 on the richter scale Good Friday 1964. Seward is the garden spot on the Kenai Peninsula, Approximately 127 hiway miles south of Anchorage. I also own a B & B in Seward, so when your ready to visit Alaska, let me know. Have a great day.

Alaska Don

Jun 05, 2007 07:44 AM