
Marin Rents Up Slightly

Real Estate Agent with Tam Realty

Residential rents in Marin rose slightly in the 2nd quarter of '09, as did occupancy rates, bucking the trends affecting most of the Bay area.  Average apartment rent was up $1686, up from $1676 in the first three months of the year and down .8% from the same period a year ago.  Occupancy rate was 95% up slightly from 94.4% in the first three months of 2009.

Here are Bay Area average monthly rent and occupancy by county:


SF: $2271

Marin: $1686

San Mateo: $1672

Alameda: $1379

Contra Costa; $1251


SF: 96.1%

San Mateo: 95.3%

Marin: 95%

Contra Costa: 94%

Alameda: 93.3%

Source: RealFacts of Novato

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