OK my AR brethren; this is a subject that has been a thorn in my side for the past 11 years. You set up the appointment; you meet with your clients and show them numerous homes. You make notes on your copy of the MLS sheet as do your buyers. I don't hound you or call 5 minutes after you show it (although maybe I should start) and I give you time to get some R&R in before asking the all important question; what do you and/or your clients think about my listing and what can we do to improve it?
I have even made it very simple for you. I have a basic 4 question form that I email or fax or both to you and even have a 24 hour toll free fax to send it back to me at. I have taken extraordinary steps to make this as easy as possible yet I still only get maybe half of my requests back and only half of those have useful information.
Am I expecting too much for you to provide honest feedback on my listing? I know when I give feedback, and I do, I give as much info & detail as possible because I know this will assist the Listing Agent in communicating with the seller about things that should be changed or even price adjustments if the price is too high. Telling a seller the home stinks or is messy or is outdated or is next door to Sanford & Son is a lot easier when it comes from someone else. Am I right? I would rather say; Agent Bob & his clients really liked the home but the shower has tile falling down and the garage door is bent and the back yard is littered with trash so they're going to find something that doesn't need as much work. I actually like blaming someone else and for whatever reason, sellers seem to really listen to what others have to say rather than their own agent who really knows best and has told them all of the above but they just did not take it to heart, until Agent Bob said it.
Well, am I beating a dead horse or is there a better way to build a mouse trap? Inquiring minds want to know.