Interesting times we are in. Yes, there are a ton of properties for sale right now. However, in my market, the homes that are priced right are selling rapidly and getting multiple offers. Especially in the first time buyer category, the competition from other buyers is fierce. Just ask poor Jake. I finally got a great home tied up for him but he made 8 offers before he got one..... and 6 of his offers were full price. I would spot a new listing in the morning. We would look at it over his lunch hour and write an offer. By the time the seller got home from work so I could present his offer, we had competition.
Maybe we should take that story to our sellers. The market is not bad. It is competitive. Be priced right and you will sell. You don't need to give away your home to sell it. Just price it competitively ( by today's prices not 3 years ago) and they will come. The importance of what we do is greater than ever now. We need to be honest to our sellers even when the messsage is hard.