
Loan Mods and Foreclosures: Don't try to fix one mistake by making another.

Mortgage and Lending with Falcon Financial

Foreclosures are on the rise and Loan Modifications are the latest household term. Whether due to circumstances beyond their control or their own poor decisions, many people are finding they can no longer afford the home they're in and they need help fast.

With the ever-growing popularity of Loan Modifications, everyone is looking to obtain one these days, and everyone and their brother now advertise that they can get you one. There are some great companies out there, but not everyone that offers Loan Modifications are the specialists they tout themselves to be. Most charge an up-front fee that is difficult if not impossible for struggling clients to come up with, not to mention there is no guarantee of a resolution. I strongly caution homeowners who are already in a dire situation to do their research before enlisting the help of one of these companies.

For example, did you know that a "Loan Mod", the popular buzz-word of late, is only one of the options available to struggling homeowners? For some people, this is the best option, but not everyone's situation is the same. Some people don't qualify for a Modification, and others would still not be able to afford their home even after a Modification. Would you want to work with a company that only offers one solution?

Don't wait until you feel you have nowhere to turn. At Falcon Financial, we work closely with Nfinit Solutions, who will review your individual case and help you choose the best course of action. Whether you need a Loan Modification, a repayment plan, a temporary suspension of payments due or help getting out of the home with the least possible damage to your credit, we're here to help. We will show you the multiple home retention and workout strategies available and help you and your lender reach a mutually acceptable solution. Best of all, there's no up-front fee! You don't pay until you sign your solution agreement. We don't feel our clients should have to pay until we can show them results, especially when they're already strained financially.

Contact me today for more information on how we can help you improve your situation!

Tom Smith, Consultant

530-277-5020 * 530-274-8374 * *