
Summer and early Fall events on the Central Coast

Real Estate Agent with Gold Coast Realty

At long last!  On August 2, 2009 there will be a ground breaking ceremony for "Morro Bay Pups Dog Park."  It will be held at Del Mar Park, in North Morro Bay, at 11AM. The Morro Bay Pups group, after many years, a plethora of garage sales, fund raisers and extended negotiation with the city and its notorious red tape, has secured permits for an "official" off-leash dog park. Of course, dog owners have been using the whole park as an off-leash area for many years, but now they will have their own special area. Bring your fun loving pups and join the celebration!

Get going and go to the ongoing, popular Art in the Park @ Dinosaur Caves in Shell Beach. There are 120+ vendors. It is held on the first Sunday of the month through November. Next date is 8/2.

Bargain Hunters, save your pennies for the Citywide Yard Sale in Morro Bay on 8/22-23. It is great fun and a good way for residents and others to exchange their treasures for dollars. Those items not sold can be disposed of in the Annual Fall Clean-up week from 8/24-28. How convenient!

Opera Buffs will be on the bluffs at the Chapman House, in Shell Beach, on the afternoon of 8/29, for the Pacific Repertory Opera's presentation of the "Broadway by the Sea" concert. Tickets are available by calling 541-5369. Call now as this event, with its music, fabulous location and ocean views sells out fast every year.

An Annual Labor Day tradition is a visit to Morro Bay's Art in the Park. It will be held 9/5-7 and is the last one until 2010. Don't miss this wonderful art show and sale by local and regional artists. For fun and funky items you need to see the Cayucos Peddlers Faire. Don't miss Cambria's Pinedorado and their annual parade.

An afternoon of fun will be had by all who attend Morro Bay's Annual Margarita and Avocado Festival on the embarcadero on 9/19.  Sample Margaritas and Guacamole by various restaurants. What could be better?  And, the next day, you could go to the Central Coast Wood Carvers demonstration and sale at the Cayucos Vets Hall!

Days of Fabulous Fall Fun!  The annual Harbor Festival in Morro Bay will be held 10/3-4. There will be seafood tasting, wine and beer tasting, sand castles, marine exhibits, marine petting zoo, arts and crafts vendors and a variety of entertainment, including bands playing Rap to Rock.
