Proper dryer vent installation is necessary to promote maximum air flow and prevent dryer fires. Improper installation can also cause condensation leading to mold and mildew damage to your home.
Short and Straight
The most direct route from the back of the dryer to the vent on the outside of your home, with few bends and turns, is the best. That is the reason clothes dryers are usually placed on an outside wall.
There are some cases where the direct route is not possible including dryers located in the basement, laundry rooms in apartment buildings or in the case of some newer homes, centrally located laundry areas where dryers must be vented through the roof.
Maximum Length
Dryer ducts should not be more than 25 feet if they are straight. Reduce the total length by 2.5 feet for each 45-deree bend and 5 feet for each 90-degree bend.
Rigid metal vent pipe is recommended for dryer vent systems; if you are using flexible dryer vent pipe it reduces airflow by 25%; therefore you must also reduce the total length of your dryer duct by 25%.
Flexible foil or vinyl dryer ducts are not safe to use for any dryer vent system because they can become crushed or sag, reducing air flow and creating a serious fire hazard.
Dryer Vent Booster Fan
If you have no choice but to exceed the 25 feet limit or you are venting your dryer through the roof it would be a good idea to install a dryer vent booster fan to increase air flow.
If your dryer vent installation project is particularly difficult you may want to hire it done to ensure you have a safe and efficient dryer vent system. Poorly installed dryer vent systems can be a fire hazard and they can cause you to have increased energy bills.
D. Benson of Dryer Vent Wizard is a dryer vent installation expert who provides all dryer exhaust services. Though homeowners can install their own, professional dryer vent installation is recommended to insure your clothes dryer has adequate air flow for safety and efficiency. Visit