Hello everyone, I want to thank all the people on this wonderful site for all thier very helpfull input in the past. I have taken a alot of your professional advice and exerience and put it to good use. So if you have read my blog in the past you wil see, I once again find myself in the position of growing faster than I probably should. But I unfortunatly have this thing inside me that I know most of you share with me. I should probably go see a doctor or something about it, but its this burning drive inside me that seems to origionate from deep in my very core. This little burning sensation compells me to keep reaching for things that I am probably not ready for yet. However I am happy to announce that I passed my brokers exam, and have reached an equitable agreement to aquire a franchise from my current company.
Now for the question. I have been searching for E&O insurance and I cant seem to come to a good conclusion as to what company offers the most affordable coverage with out sacraficing protection. Im sure many of you out there must have some personal first hand experience with this. I have so many tasks to complete by the end of the month, that any help would be very appreciated.
Thank you all in advance, and I will be posting future blogs for additional tips for running a successful office and announcing our turnkey REO franchising opportunities.
Thank you