
Realtors need to do their jobs

Real Estate Agent with Exit Bob Linn Real Estate

Job 1 is to inform your sellers what they need to do to get their homes ready to sell. 

I don't understand how anyone can expect to sell their homes without getting it ready to show.  Many homes we show are dirty, in need of repair, or just cluttered.  How can anyone expect a buyer to get excited about buying a home that has dirty dishes in the sink, last night dishes still on the table, dirty clothes all over the floor, windows so dirty you can't see out of them, obvious problems that need to be repaired, even just so closed up that when you walk in that it looks like a tomb.  Realtors are not doing anyone service by allowing their sellers to put a home on the market for sale and not inform them they have to do things to help get it ready to sell.

If someone was going to put their car up for sale the first thing the do is take it to the detail shop and get it shinning like new.  Why do they think they don't have to do this to their home.  It takes a good Realtor to have enought gumption to be honest to the seller.  What are they afraid of, that they will not list with them because your honest about what it take to get a home ready to show,  That is a listing you don't need in the first place.