
agent to agent asking to cut commission

Real Estate Agent with Remerica United Reality

In the last two months I have had 3 agents ask me to drop my commission on an offer I had written. I found this unbelievable! I asked them if they were cutting there's and of course they would (per them) but who would do that? Yes I have done that on the listing side to help my client. Do you find this offensive? I was professional and told them no (of course there are way too many homes here for our buyers) this is helping THEM not my client. Shouldn't I only look out for my client not theres????

What do you think?

Am I overreacting???

Lenn Harley
Lenn Harley,, MD & VA Homes and Real Estate - Leesburg, VA
Real Estate Broker - Virginia & Maryland

It's not only offensive, it violates their offer of co-op in the MLS.  Very unethical.  They are trying to dictate YOUR fee. 

We are not in business to subsidize sellers or listing agents.  If they want to take listings at low fees and then have the buyer's agent subsidize their cheap _ _ _ listing, they should get a job. 

Buyers agents work hard to find the right house for our buyers and, if we have a BA Agreement, our buyers have agreed to our fee.  The co-op offsets that fee and it needs to be that represented in the MLS.

This outrages me, as you can tell, no doubt.

DON'T DO IT.  DON'T DO IT.  Take a stand for ALL agents.

Jun 06, 2007 03:17 AM
Margaret Woda
Long & Foster Real Estate, Inc. - Crofton, MD
Maryland Real Estate & Military Relocation
Refer them to the Realtor Code of Ethics.  And report them to your local Association Professional Standard Committee. 
Jun 06, 2007 03:19 AM
Jim & Maria Hart
Brand Name Real Estate - Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Real Estate
Your duty is to your client, and only your client.  It's quite an insult for the other agents to be asking you to accept a lower commission.  I would do just as you did -- politely refuse.
Jun 06, 2007 03:19 AM
Laurie Mindnich
Centennial, CO
Janet- you're not overreacting, imo.  Were the offers so low that there was the need to get the seller more in the way of a net, and this was a way to pull the offer together?  Were the offers reasonable?  If they were, it's inexcusable.  If, however, you presented offers that were simply too low, expect more of the same- at least someone is trying to make the deal work!  Get your BUYERS to up the offer, if there's room.
Jun 06, 2007 03:19 AM
Patricia Greco
Hacienda Home Sales - Anaheim, CA
It's WRONG! If they need a reduced commision, then they should have posted it on the MLS. If the seller needs a break, then let the other agent reduce their commision further...
Jun 06, 2007 03:22 AM
Janet McAllister
Remerica United Reality - Ann Arbor, MI


The offers couldn't of been to low because all 3 were accepted! Isn't it up to the listing agent to show US why there counter is appropriate. What happened to the days of working. I do my homework and show why we wrote what we did. Crazy......

Thanks for everybodys support!!!

Jun 06, 2007 03:26 AM
Richard Parr
ADT Security Services - Slidell, LA
Home Security Specialist - Greater New Orleans, Louisiana

Your duty IS to YOUR CLIENT!  If taking a hit allows your client to complete the transaction, then you need to consider it. 

Also there is nothing that says that an agent cannot ASK if you would take a reduction in you commission.  YOU do not have to agree.  

I have agreed to this situation in the past and YES, it was in MY CLIENT'S BEST INTEREST.  They are very happy with their new home.

Jun 06, 2007 03:38 AM
Debi Braulik - Maple Valley, WA
Selling Maple Valley to Fife WA Homes For Sale
I think your duty is to your client. Period. If you have an accepted offer, then all items have been negotiated. The other agents shouldn't be coming to you for a reduction. Of course there are exceptions... but it sounds like thosea are frequent requests, not exceptions. :(
Jun 06, 2007 04:42 AM
Missy Caulk
Missy Caulk TEAM - Ann Arbor, MI
Savvy Realtor - Ann Arbor Real Estate
Janet, you know I taught you better than that. I have a problem and don't do it for my listings either. We work to hard..........Just Say NO.
Jun 15, 2007 12:29 AM