
Finally - I have found my VOICE!!!

Real Estate Agent with Re/Max Home Team

Finding this Special Group on Active Rain was exciting for me.  As the mother of a 22 yr old daughter with a primary diagnosis of BiPolar Disorder, I have been looking for such a forum to share my 24/7 day and hopefully bring into the light of day that our children and family members are people too.

All too often the diagnosis of a mental illness has a stigma associated to it even in this day and age.  You would think that we are still in the 1800's the way the majority of people react when I till them about my Katy.

I start out telling them about this beautiful red haired young lady that has challenges in her life.  The begin to ask, "aw, is she in a wheelchair?"  When I tell them what her challenge is you would think that I suddenly grew a serpents head! 

Over the years my philosophy has always been to be open and up front and honest about my daughters differences whether it was in school or now with a mental illness.  A parent cannot stick their head in the sand and be an effective advocate for their child.

I have taken on the School System and won several times for her benefit and then for those that followed after her.  I have learned to use every legal means at my disposal to ensure that all Federal Laws involving her education were followed to the letter.  You can be sure that the School District and all the local agencies that provided services to her knew exactly how to spell my name and as you can see it is not an ordinary spelling.

Walking this path has not been easy with her but she has no one else.  A mother always believes in their child unconditionally and protects them fiercely.  I have a small family around me, my right arm, my sister Bonnie, her husband Larry and my new husband, Craig.  But at the end of the day, it is just me.  Katy knows that and tests it constantly.

As I post to this blog I will share my experiences with the Mental Health services that we have here in Northeastern Pa as well as how the community views our special family members.  I will also touch on the educational needs of our children and share what I have encountered over the years that will in turn hopefully help someone else going through a similar challenge.


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Kate Wheeler
Country Homes and Land Murphy NC Realtor - Murphy, NC
CCIM - Murphy NC Real Estate for Sale

Yours is the first post I've read in this group.  Your daughter is lucky to have a mother who is there for her unconditionally. 

Aug 03, 2009 07:03 AM
Jayne Vaughan
Re/Max Home Team - Clarks Summit, PA


What group are you in?

I wish she understood that I am there unconditinally.

Thanks for sharing.

Aug 03, 2009 10:41 AM