One of the things I try to emphasize in training classes and with my agents is the necessity of having a consistent message and a consistent image. Today, I found some photos of a local Realtor that were posted on Facebook that I think are definitely not in line with the image that this agent is trying to maintain. It is difficult for some to maintain a professional image and to brand themselves as a professional at all times, but a consistent image is necessary to continue branding you as an agent people want to work with. With the technology available to consumers today, they are likely to peruse Facebook, Twitter, and the like to gather as much information about their agent of choice prior to signing a contract. I know this Realtor would be disappointed to learn that a customer chose another agent to work with simply because they saw an inappropriate photo of him on Facebook and decided he wasn't the right agent for them after all. My advice is this, if you think it could hurt your business and damage your reputation or professional image, do not post it. Even if you think Facebook and MySpace are for your "friends" only. If you need some help with your professional image and your professional branding, call us, we can help. We specialize in creating an image and brand that consumers can relate to and identify with.
Hi and welcome to Active Rain, a great site to network, share, learn, and have fun. Good luck. And if you ever need an agent in the upstate of South Carolina, please call me.
Welcome to ActiveRain!
If you would like a few tips on getting the most out of ActiveRain, just click search and type in "Welcome to Activerain by Troy Trumm". The first link returned will take you to my blog about getting started. It has a few simple steps of what to do now that you have joined.
If you ever have any questions, just let me know.
Troy Trumm, Trumm Team, Omaha NE
Thanks guys! I have been on active rain for the past year under my real estate business. I truly believe there is no better way to brand yourself and to be found on the web than Active Rain. Happy selling!
Laura, Welcome to Active Rain.... You will find some of the most helpful people right here in the Network on Active Rain. Have fun at it and if you ever find that you need a Loan Officer in Springfield, MO. give me a call.
Lanora M. Campbell, Senior Loan Officer, Mid Nation Mortgage
Cell: 417-844-4012
Laura.....Welcome to ActiveRain. This is a great community to network with others as well a great place to learn from other's experiences and knowledge. I've enjoyed it; I hope you enjoy it as well.
We invite you back to ActiveRain in 2016!
Much has changed since your last visit to ActiveRain. I encourage you to take another look at the website.
Surf some blogs, leave some comments. Better yet, post a Blog.
Best to you!