
Taking My First Steps

Home Stager with Interiors By Lynn

I started out on Active Rain last week.  In my first blog I told how I was hesitant to go to open houses to meet realtors.  I got some very nice encouragement, and on Sunday IDID IT!  I was so nervous.  Some of the advice I got was that conversation would 'flow' and it certainly did. I think it really helped that I thought of every step-of-the-way ahead of time so that I would have control of the situation. 

I walked in the door with my business card in my hand.  I told them my first name, stated that I was a Home Stager and that today I was out meeting realtors.  I also had tucked into my purse a brochure.  While they were looking at my card, I got the brochure out of my purse, handed it to them and then asked if I could tour the house.  When touring the house, I noted 1 or 2 minor but important staging ideas.  While I was touring the house, the realtors were looking over my brochure.  When I met back up with them, they always had a question or two.  After answering the question, I then complimented them on something in the house and offered my bit of advice.  Everyone of them thanked me for the advice.

Before leaving I would ask them for their business card.  While they were getting it, I explained that I was in the process of instituting a monthly newsletter for realtors and could I put them on my email list?  There was only one realtor who kindly declined, so I put a big "X" on the back of her card so that I wouldn't offend her by inadvertently sending her email that she didn't want.    Each visit ended on a nice, friendly note. 

A couple of times I asked the age of the seller's.  That also lead to some insightful conversation.  Next week I think I will be sure to ask that every time.  I also think I will send each of them an email as a follow-up, saying it was nice to meet them, I enjoyed touring the home and remind them that they would be receiving the newsletter in about 3 weeks. 

I hope this will help anyone like me who is starting their Home Staging business.

Matt Locke
Allstate Insurance - Alpharetta, GA

Good planning Lynn.  That type of precess will get results over time.  Be consistant.

Matt Locke

1-877-MattLocke (628-8562)

Jun 06, 2007 01:39 PM
Mary Warren
Las Vegas, NV
Great going Lynn...I personally would of appreciated a visit like this to an open house I was holding.  I'm sure the ones you visited apreciated it also!
Jun 06, 2007 02:12 PM
Gary Schraut
Century 21 Alliance Realty - Brooksville, FL

Keep this in mind, the more open houses you visit, the more who will shwo up at yours...the more friends (other realtors) you make...the more you seel...Good Luck!



Jun 06, 2007 02:22 PM