First off, thanks for taking the time to read my very first post! I am writing this post filled with a sense of excitement and optimism for things to come by becoming an "active" activerainer!
Despite the fact that I've had an account for over a year now I have never really taken the time to explore activerain for all of the many benefits it provides for it's members. I did the minimum. I setup my account and from time to time dropped by to read a few blogs here or there. I was a lurker!
Today however is a new day! My eyes have been opened and I am here to take full advantage of the great opportunities on activerain!
With my first post I am hoping to engage and elicit some information and feedback from some of you. I am looking to make the most of my experience and I'd like to hear some of your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for me as a new "active" activerainer! If you could go back to the day when you first started and could give yourself some advise or impart some wisdom what would you tell yourself.
Thanks upfront for any responses! They are all truly appreciated!!