
Year long member....... First time poster!!

Real Estate Agent with Mighty Realty

First off, thanks for taking the time to read my very first post!  I am writing this post filled with a sense of excitement and optimism for things to come by becoming an "active" activerainer!

Despite the fact that I've had an account for over a year now I have never really taken the time to explore activerain for all of the many benefits it provides for it's members.  I did the minimum.  I setup my account and from time to time dropped by to read a few blogs here or there.  I was a lurker! 

Today however is a new day!  My eyes have been opened and I am here to take full advantage of the great opportunities on activerain!

With my first post I am hoping to engage and elicit some information and feedback from some of you. I am looking to make the most of my experience and I'd like to hear some of your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions for me as a new "active" activerainer!  If you could go back to the day when you first started and could give yourself some advise or impart some wisdom what would you tell yourself. 

Thanks upfront for any responses!  They are all truly appreciated!!

Posted by

For more information about home in the Orlando and surrounding areas please visit my website at

James "Jim" A. Vitale


Mighty Realty, Inc.

Cell:  (321) 441-6561

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Debbie Walsh
SHAHAR Management - Middletown, NY
Hudson Valley NY Real Estate 845.283-3036

Congrats and welcome!  Read any posts that interest you and comment as well.  You will learn tons here and make lots of friends along the way!

If you need a question answered your hundreds of new friends will be happy to help out.  Jump in and good luck!

Jul 30, 2009 07:02 AM
Bill Ladewig - Escondido, CA
Experience Is Your Advantage

Welcome Jim, you have arrived at a good place with good people.  Take the time to read the blogs and understand how AR works and it will improve your income and your knowledge.

Jul 30, 2009 07:02 AM
Tim Monciref - Austin, TX
Over 2,000 homes sold…..

Welcome aboard.  I did the same it was two years and got started last June.  A great place to learn, teach and gain massive exposure.  You can google neighborhoods and AR/Localism is everywhere.  You will, in time, gain page dominance FOR FREE!  I tend to like free.  Now teach us something we don't know. 

Title, the first sentence, a picture or two and great content are key to gaining replies from agent and the public.

Jul 30, 2009 07:05 AM
Edward Bachman
Your Kingwood TX Realtor

I just posted my first blog a few min ago after about 6 months.  I was so taken by all of the great learning that I forgot to blog myself.  Good luck and see you at the top!!!

Jul 30, 2009 07:14 AM
Robert Havana
Park and Protect- Alberta Real Estate License Parking - Calgary, AB
Alberta Real Estate License Parking

Welcome to AR, many different uses for the site:

-make firends and socialize

-learn new things

-teach new things

-keep up to date on market and industry stuff

-meet new clients

-SEO and google juice for you and your websites

-make money


Personally, while I love some of you people to death, I am here to use AR to meet new clients, SEO my websites, and make money.  The social part of the site is simple a fringe benefit to me.

Robert May 

(Summertime is time to refresh my AR friends and subscribers this week, subscribe to me, add me, and comment on my blog and I will reciprocate them all)


Jul 30, 2009 07:20 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

Well it's about time...  you are not alone.  Lots of people don't jump right in  or jump right in but then back off.  

If I was new I would tell myself to blog to consumers, no matter what anyone else thought about it, make the most of Localism / Outside blog (did not have either when I started) which allow hyperlocal blogging.  

I would tell myself to watch for things like Bob Stewart's challenge posts with the links to posts about "how to."

Welcome to ActiveRain.

Jul 30, 2009 07:21 AM
Michelle Gibson
Hansen Real Estate Group Inc. - Wellington, FL

Jim - I started about 5-6 weeks ago, AR has a lot to offer and there is a lot to learn.  My first recommendation would be to "polish" your profile, I know there are a few blogs out there on the topic.  Second, I would read and comment on blogs.  Third, I would start blogging, Brad, has a lot of great post on SEO and how to properly blog.  Forth, enjoy.  I'm learning something new everyday and it's been an awesome experience so far. 

Jul 30, 2009 07:29 AM
Mara Hawks
First Realty Auburn - Auburn, AL
Inactive-2012 REALTOR - Homes for Sale Auburn Real Estate, AL

Welcome to ACTIVE, ACTIVE, ACTIVE Rain! It took me 6 months to post my first blog, and then this community grew to be the best thing that could have ever happened to me in real estate. I'll look forward to your posts. Cheers!

Jul 30, 2009 07:29 AM
James "Jim" Vitale
Mighty Realty - Apopka, FL

Thank you all for the replies!  I will definitely take your suggestion/advice and incorporate them into my strategy!

Quick question.  How does having an AR Blog benefit you over just posting? 

Jul 30, 2009 07:56 AM
Maureen McCabe
HER Realtors - Columbus, OH
Columbus Ohio Real Estate

"How does having an AR Blog benefit you over just posting?"

Do you mean having an AR Outside blog / being a Rainmaker rather than just being a member of ActiveRain posting content?

If you are just posting content to members peer to peer content you miss out on the benefit of providing content to consumers in your hyper local market.   

Lots of people who have a Rainmaker account choose not to post to consumers, they just talk about em to their peers.  Missing opportunities IMHO.

Jul 31, 2009 01:51 AM