A few years ago I was at an international conference and decided to take in a musical. What a treat for my husband and I. We saw Mama Mia. I felt my mood lift and the music took me back to my high school years when I thought I could anything I put my mind to.
That simple reflection made me wonder when that mindset had changed? Was it after the children and bills came... you know that thing called life? Was it years of working hard and seeing peak and valleys? Was it just my age and day after day passing by? Why didn't I feel like I had as a high school girl (besides the thing called hormones)?
I thought again about the music... "Dancing Queen" and how hearing that music had lifted me up to a new place that I hadn't felt in many years. I wondered, if music could really change my mood then maybe it would also be worth looking for more motivation.
Of course I bought the music that evening as I knew I didn't want to forget how I had felt. I wanted to capture those energetic feelings and keep them, so that I could pull them out again and again. I wanted to hear "Waterloo" and "Dancing Queen" over and over again so that I could tap into that energy! That's when it hit me that what I loved about the musical besides remembering my high school years, was simply put...being part of that "energy". Feeling that energy and passion again! The musical of course was full of energy as is the music. That's what I needed to tap into... encouragement to renew my energy. I can certainly do anything I put my mind to, however having the energy to do so is really important. We get used to our daily grind and it becomes tired. Thus this energetic musical reminded me that a simple thing like music can boost our energy probably more than the coffee that I know I long for each morning.
So try this... turn off the news... it's full of gloom and doom anyway and inspire yourself to start your day by listening to some great energetic music. I'm not advocating forgetting the coffee (I'd have to be really sick in bed to not get my cup of joe, however take tomorrow's cup with cream, splenda and a great song...."So I say thank you for the music.....for giving it to me..." Abba of course.
Brenda Swigert, e-PRO