
Mortgage Rates on the Rise Lead to Client's Newfound Interest!

Real Estate Agent with Mighty Realty

Mortgage rates have risen for the second straight week and now sit at 5.25% up from 5.20% last week. 

Mortgage Rates on the Rise

As a part of my effort to stay in touch with clients I send out emails with general information such as this from time to time.  My first reaction to this information was, "Big deal," and I really paid the matter no attention as mortgage rates fluctuate regularly.  However, I quickly changed my mind when I had a client express concern this afternoon after reading my email over this recent, short trend in mortgage rates.  The client now has a new sense of urgency to get back out there and look for a home after a recent period of disinterest and aloofness on their part.  Today the client did a 180 and they have requested some of my time this weekend to view homes!  Hooray!

I guess the moral of the story is that it pays to keep in touch!  Sometimes all it takes is a rather innocuous email to provide a little life to an otherwise lifeless client!


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For more information about home in the Orlando and surrounding areas please visit my website at

James "Jim" A. Vitale


Mighty Realty, Inc.

Cell:  (321) 441-6561