
If Home Staging Can Help Get this house SOLD, Yours Will Be a Piece of Cake!

Home Stager with Real Houses of the Bay Area/Alice T Chan Design

Enjoy this Home Staging Video Case Study of a property that was initially on the market “unstaged” and did NOT sell. After a lot of packing, decluttering, cleaning, minor upgrades, and staging, they were able to sell in 2 weeks for $10K above asking with more than a 59% return on investment! This is not a high end home staging by any stretch of the imagination, but you’ll see that EVERYONE can benefit from staging even at the most minimal level. Please leave your comments after watching.

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Alice Tam Chan

Helping real estate sales professionals and their home seller clients get their UNSELLABLE houses SOLD!

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John Rakoci
Eagle Realty - North Myrtle Beach, SC
North Myrtle Beach Coastal Carolinas

Staging- some things are common sense, some can be taught, and others a talent a few are born with.

Both my wife and younger daughter make custom draperies. A magazine doing an article on young women in their own business was to do an article with drapery photos at my daughters home. They ended doing a center feature of her home during the holidays. I have built and furnished 3 homes in the past 5 years. The two that were sold were advertised as 'furnishings negotiable". Both homes were sold furnished including pictures on the walls. One the buyer specified she not only wanted the furnishings and custom draperies but the matching bedspreads too. No money was lost on the furnishings, actually there was a gain as all we moved were kitchen items, clothing, and personal items saving considerable moving costs. My other daughters home is also very well done-- thanks to her mother and sister as she does not have the 'knack'. Neither mother or daughter have had any 'training' but certainly are a huge help to my business.

Jul 31, 2009 04:49 PM
Terrylynn Fisher
Dudum Real Estate Group - - Walnut Creek, CA
HAFA Certified, EcoBroker, CRS, CSP Realtor, Etc.

You know, it works, why the resistance is a mystery to me.  How are you Alice, nice to see you here.


Jul 31, 2009 07:07 PM