Calling all Deadbeat Rainers (and Notice to Newbies - Don't do What I Did)
Take heed everyone and get those fingers warmed up, even if it's only two that ever meet the keyboard.
Remember what Ralph Nader said. "Your best teacher is your last mistake." Admittedly, my best teacher list is pretty long!
Happy blogging!
Calling all Deadbeat Active Rainers ( and Notice to Newbies - don't do what I did)
This is your official Active Rain Wake Up Call
I know you. You are like I was for a few years - A Deadbeat Rainer. The other day as I was approaching my 100,000 mark I came across my sign up date 12/21/06.
I signed up and immediately forget Active Rain existed. The only time I did remember is if somebody would say - Hey Anna are you on Active Rain? Ahhh - Of course - well - yes - I think so. Come on folks - I know there are a lot of you out there that did the same thing! Sure we were ‘members' but what was the point if we didn't become involved?
Consider this your wake up call!
Last Sept I went to a Internet conference in LA and listened to a great Internet coach, Tracy Repchuck. I heard loud and clear what she was saying - if you're not blogging you may as well hang up your shingle. From the pit in my stomach I knew she was right. I just got stuck in excuses since 2006 (no time, what's the big fuss, it's a fad, blah blah blah). I'm sure you've got them down pat like I did, right?
Now is the time for you to stop this ridiculousness. Like, right now!
I got serious about figuring out what Active Rain was all about in January of 2009 (and it makes me queasy thinking about all the time I wasted on excuses for 2 years) and all the missed opportunities)
I didn't have a clue as to what I was doing. Seriously Clueless. So I made 'the' call to Brad Andersohn and he talked to me for a very long time. (Hint -make 'your' call today) I understood the concepts of what he was saying - I just didn't know how to make it happen, smoothly. He gave me excellent advice - just get started, jump in and make mistakes.
Who cares if you suck at first? (he didn't tell me that - that came from me) And trust me, I sucked for sure. When I look back at my first 30 or 40+ posts I have to chuckle cause they're so lame! The good news - I can go back and clean them up when I've got time (see there's that time excuse again!) Am I the queen of the time excuse or what? (note to self - stop allowing time to control you).
Now - where was I going with this. Ahhhh here's the good stuff - the real juicy tidbits all you deadbeat rainers need should maybe can hear now. Newbies Please Learn from my mistakes - don't become a deadbeat rainer - don't miss this amazing opportunity.
On a scale of 1 to 10 the value ACTIVE RAIN has brought to my life and my business?
Relationships - I have created so many meaningful relationships with people all over the country and with our friends up north in Canada. I enjoy reading their posts and have learned so much about about every subject imaginable concerning real estate - and other fun stuff. Rainers are ABSOLUTELY willing to help you out every step of the way. I asked many a stupid intelligent question and always found a willing soul to make sense of it for me. I've also had a few laughs along the way which sure helps all of us in these challenging times. Active Rainers are Serious and Silly.
Blogging Skills - OMG I can't thank all of you for your amazing advise and step by step pointers to improve in both writing and getting google juice. Bob Stewart's latest hyper local challenge has put me over the top with excitement. I can't believe I now know how to get ranked on google within minutes of posting. NO KIDDING - MINUTES. Yesterday I wrote a hyper local post on a local business man and WOW - within minutes he was on the first page! Now - I will figure out how to rank him in the top three! If you know how to do this - please leave me a comment or email me - I know I'm missing just a few pointers.
Referrals - It's only been 7 months since I got serious about blogging and the referrals are coming in. It took me awhile but now it's like the flood gates have opened and eveyone's saying COME ON IN! I have given about 5 or 6 referrals so far and received about the same. So far one has closed escrow. More to follow......and soon.
Expert -ok now that's a stretch by a long shot for me! (maybe by the time I reach 200,000?) Here's the good news - I have been asked by a title company to teach the basics about Active Rain. Yes, Me - Little MS Clueless - only 7 months ago! I am looking forward to preparing, studying and getting help from the big dogs on this one!
Allright - enough of this. Are you getting the point here? I really hope so. Your future Success is Waiting for YOU to get started - now - NOW - yes- TODAY! Guaranteed Success is on the Way! If you work at blogging it will work for you.
Now go ahead and Make Your Call if you need some help. Write a blog, leave comments, study the dashboard, sign up for a few groups AND - laugh at yourself! Don't wait 2 years to get your head on straight about this! Don't miss any more opportunities! Don't be stupid like I was!
Come on - you can WILL do it today - right? I thought so! BTW - you can always email me or leave me comments and I'd be happy to help you in anyway I can.
Happy and Successful on Active Rain - and loving the journey - especially the people!