
Marketing to (former) colleagues

Real Estate Agent with Utopia Management

I was wondering what would be the best way to market to people I used to work with but have not really kept in touch with for a couple of years.  I know that if I were to see them again, they will remember me (it's already happened) and they miss me.

For all they know, I was headed to another job at a different law firm. 

Any suggestions or advice on keeping in touch and marketing to them would be greatly appreciated.  I do want their business but I also want to keep in touch because I feel like such a flake for not contacting them sooner.

Sandra Williams
Rancon Real Estate - Temecula, CA
A short note, "just to give all my friends and colleagues an update, I am now a Realtor working for xxx. I love what I doing and if you have any Real Estate questions or need advice, I will always be available. Give me a call."
Jun 07, 2007 05:21 PM
Bob & Carolin Benjamin
Benjamin Realty LLC - Gold Canyon, AZ
East Phoenix Arizona Homes
Exactly -- Sandra's suggestion would be mine as well.
Jun 07, 2007 06:07 PM
Dawn Workman
Veracity Real Estate Group, LLC - Camas, WA
Camas Real Estate Expert, MBA, 480-540-8100
Great ideas, and saddly I know what you are talking about regarding letting them know even though you haven't spoke with in years!
Jun 07, 2007 06:09 PM
Tisza Major-Posner
I.V.P.G. - Inland Valley Professional Group - Claremont, CA

Hi Susan,

Basically, my advice would be similar.  Get in touch with them to let them know that you miss them too.  Own up to being less than great about keeping in touch, but remember, they haven't been any great shakes at it either or there would be no question, right? 

Bring them up to date on what's happened in your life, let them know that you are now a Realtor and ask how life is treating them.  Then, let them know that you won't let the communication lapse again, and then don't :-)

Take care, help lots of people and have a super day!


Jun 07, 2007 06:23 PM
Darrel Quebedeaux
Evergreen Realty & Associates Inc. - Newport Coast, CA
I am a student of Joe Stumpf's By referral only program and he would suggest a strong letter from the heart telling your friends of your decision to get into this profession and list a few of the reasons that your choice of career could be of benefit to them if and when they have the need of your expertise.  Everyone wants to do business with someone the know and trust, reaffirm how  you exemplify that for them.  Remind them monthly with a nice letter, not necessarily about wanting their business but rather something that make them feel good to read as they associate it with your name.
Jun 07, 2007 09:23 PM
I send emails to my former colleagues/co-workers. Just general updates, such as an email newsletter, info on Coldwell Banker incentive programs, changes to my website. Anything to remind them that I'm a realtor without being pushy. I've found that email works well because I'm not invading their space, or being pushy.
Jun 07, 2007 09:50 PM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel
I have not bben in touch with my former colleagues . I think I will make alist of people and look up their address. The no calls list may not apply as I will just call to say Hello.
Jun 08, 2007 11:32 PM
Diane Bell, Hilton Head Real Estate, Bluffton
Charter 1 Real Estate, Hilton Head, Bluffton, SC - Hilton Head Island, SC
I would suggest a letter or newsletter that you could personalize to your friends/colleagues.  Perhaps you could create a template for a newsletter that you could use for many different sphered of influence or marketing areas?  I applaud you for taking the time to re-cultivate this business.
Jun 08, 2007 11:36 PM
Tara Colquitt
Tara Colquitt, The Credit Woman, LLC - Philadelphia, PA
Credit Counselor
Susan: Thanks. I have been thinking of this for a while. I have a marketing guru that will help me bring my ideas to creation. 8-)
Apr 18, 2008 11:15 PM
Charity Lane
O'Brien Realty - Prince Frederick, MD
I think everyone understands how we can fall out of touch with our friends and older co-workers. How about hosting an informal social event and invite them. It would be a great way to keep in contact with everyone without having to ask for their business. Best of luck!
Apr 21, 2008 01:37 PM