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Arlen Specter will be holding a Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform again on August 12, 2009.  His last Town Hall Meeting in Philadelphia Pa made national headlines.

State College, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8am to 10am
The Penn Stater, President's Hall 4
215 Innovation Boulevard State College, Pa


Stand up America while you still can. 

Find a Town Hall Meeting or Tea Party near you.

This is our time to be heard and to send a message to law makers.  Philadelphia gave him an earful let's see if State College can do it too!

TEA PARTY PATRIOTSis a web site devoted to publishing all the events related to rallies across the United States.

Take the time to check it out.  Find a rally or event you can attend.


HEALTH CARE REFORM - if you don't agree with the current pending legislation ACT!

If you cannot attend a rally and wish to register your vote AGAINST Health Care Reform visit





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Bob Cumiskey
A1 Connection Realty, Inc. - Sun City Center, FL
US Army Retired, Your Sun City Center, Florida ~ Realtor

I can't wait to see the youtube video on this one.  The public is ready to destroy this program with a vengence.

Aug 06, 2009 01:50 PM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Of the people, by the people and for the people.  We are the people.  Thank you for your service Bob.  Your service to OUR Country.

Aug 06, 2009 02:29 PM
South Austin Real Estate Blog
Sky Realty South Austin - Austin, TX

Bonnie, we are all going to have to stand up and shout if needbe, to keep our Freedoms that our fathers,daughters, sons and grandfathers have fought and gave their all for.

Aug 06, 2009 04:14 PM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Gail - you are correct.  The more I see some of these radicals posting out here on political subjects the more concerned I become about the future of our country. 

Aug 06, 2009 04:20 PM
Scott Smith
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Gloucester, MA
Gloucester & Rockport, Massachusetts

Bonnie: Which "radicals" would that be? I have seen pretty horrific posts on AR where some are advocating the death of our elected leaders. I am sure those are whom you are speaking of. They are certainly a threat to national security.

Aug 07, 2009 02:12 AM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Scott, No I was not indicating "radicals" to be those with criminal intent.  I was referring to those who name call and try to verbally bludgeon anyone who does not agree with the current administrations policies.  Instead of intelligent debate on the entire issue they draw one line from the post and set about making a federal case for why it is not correct.  They label the poster a fear monger.

I've noticed at least one of these people deliberately posts provocative subject matter.  They ridicule anyone who tells them it is offensive or disagrees with them.  When the posts get too heated and they are unable to justify their position they end the comments on the blog and will not allow further dialog.

Aug 07, 2009 05:26 AM
Scott Smith
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Gloucester, MA
Gloucester & Rockport, Massachusetts

Bonnie: I would suggest you stick around to see who the verbal bludgeoners are. They are quite persistent. They are also very, and I mean very, right of center. Most of them are quite provactive and could care less about a rational debate.

Aug 07, 2009 06:25 AM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Scott, I don't need to wait and see. I've encountered them on every post I make that is political in nature.  I was even reported to the White House by one.  Horrifying they may be procreating more of the same.

On your other comment, I do not endorse criminal solutions to political problems.  At least not what we are discussing here or the extreme actions some are supporting.

We have a legal check and balance system that should work.  We have the ability to Impeach elected officials if the weight of evidence justifies it.  If any highly placed elected official is doing such a poor job that it adversely impacts the well being of the country as a whole they should be impeached.


Aug 07, 2009 07:39 AM

Our group, The 912 Project of Central PA, will be there to let Sen Specter know what we think. We're looking forward to meeting other folks concerned about the course our country is taking.

We also have other events scheduled including bus transportation for the national March on Washington on September 12. All concerned Americans are invited to join us for our events including the trip to DC.


Aug 07, 2009 08:40 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL

Better add to that death threats against the legislators because thats already happened.  Fun isn't it!

Aug 07, 2009 08:53 AM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Greg- I intend to be at the one in Washington. 

Terry, 25 more points for you, but absolutely no substance.

Aug 07, 2009 10:07 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL

No substance Bonnie because you havent read the real news lately.  What a shame.

Dem Congressman's Office: His Life Has Been Threatened Over Health Care Bill

By Eric Kleefeld - August 5, 2009, 5:54PM

Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) will not be hosting any town hall events this August -- instead, he's making himself available to constituents for one-on-one meetings about health care reform -- and at least part of the reason is this: His offices have received threatening phone calls, including at least one direct threat against his life.

"We had no town hall events scheduled for the August recess anyway, but in light of everything that's happened -- we have received a threatening phone call in the D.C. office, there have been calls to the Raleigh office," said Miller communications director LuAnn Canipe, in an interview with TPM. The threatening call in question happened earlier this week.

"The call to the D.C. office was, 'Miller could lose his life over this,'" said Canipe. "Our staffer took it so seriously, he confirmed what the guy was saying. He said, 'Sir is that a threat?' and at that time our staffer was getting the phone number off caller ID and turning it over to the Capitol Police."

They haven't heard anything back from the police yet, but they did get the caller's number. So this could develop into something soon enough.

Canipe explained that Miller had no plans for a town hall before and won't be holding any now, due to this event and the examples he's already seen from the around the country: "Our point is, we're not gonna be bullied into having a town hall so it can then be interrupted by the fake grassroots folks."

"We don't want to people to think we're shutting out our constituents," Canipe added.. "We're meeting with them one on one to discuss health care reform."

Aug 07, 2009 12:51 PM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Terry - Politicians receiving death threats is nothing new.  Disturbed people have tried to assassinate those whose ideals they disagreed with like George Wallace.  It's part of the territory.  If it was not health care it would be something else.

One unsubstaintiated phone call is NOT proof of anything.  The police have not confirmed it.

Terry you make an epidemic out of a sneeze.

Aug 07, 2009 01:53 PM
Bob Cumiskey
A1 Connection Realty, Inc. - Sun City Center, FL
US Army Retired, Your Sun City Center, Florida ~ Realtor

I didn't see a death threat in that report.  You could lose your life, could very well mean "lifestyle".  The staffer seems to be the one who decided it was a death threat by asking that question. 

Aug 07, 2009 06:12 PM
Bonnie Vaughan
Scranton, PA
CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin

Bob, These zealots who follow the Pied Piper act like a pack of wild dogs.  They will say anything and make any aspersions to devalue our expression of free speech. The entire episode of an alleged death threat is unsubstantiated. 

I am a registered Democrat.  Over the years my faith in our elected officials began to diminish.  The rise out of no where of this President has troubled me.  Too many shady characters and associations. Too reminiscent of "Captains and Kings." 

In years past I would turn off talk radio and get mad as hell when they bashed Bill Clinton.  Since the first Bush election I began listening to both sides more carefully. I do listen to Fox News.  I can hear both sides represented and weigh the platforms issue by issue.  I am certainly not ashamed that I admire Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck.

I had hoped for a Democratic president who would move us forward safely and with prosperity.  I greatly admired John Kennedy.  I was disheartened when the current Kennedy clan jumped on the band wagon for Obama.  Party unity is one thing.  Playing politics at the expense of the American way of life is something else.

As a Democrat I felt Hilary was experienced and ready to lead.  When I saw how the media trashed her every comment and gave pass after pass to Obama I knew we were doomed. I have never witnessed such biased reporting before, or at least it was never so evident.



Aug 07, 2009 11:34 PM
Scott Smith
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - Gloucester, MA
Gloucester & Rockport, Massachusetts

Bonnie: As an avid support of Hillary, I do believe she would have been a better president. Obama is the president and is doing a good job, especially given the historic financial metdown and two inherited wars. He has turned his back on a number of campaign promises. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party is quite unhappy with him right now.  

Aug 08, 2009 05:22 AM
Alice Linahan
Voices Empower - Argyle, TX

Great information Bonnie,

Thank you for being a Great American and speaking out!!

Thought you might like this link for townhall meeting across the country!!

Groups and Events By State

Click on your state, then bookmark that page. States are a place to see nearby events and groups.

Alabama Maine Oklahoma
Alaska Maryland Oregon
Arizona Massachusetts Pennsylvania
Arkansas Michigan Rhode Island
California Minnesota South Carolina
Colorado Mississippi South Dakota
Connecticut Missouri Tennessee
Delaware Montana Texas
Florida Nebraska Utah
Georgia Nevada Vermont
Hawaii New Hampshire Virgin Islands
Idaho New Jersey Virginia
Illinois New Mexico Washington
Indiana New York Washington D.C.
Iowa North Carolina West Virginia
Kansas North Dakota Wisconsin
Kentucky Ohio Wyoming

Aug 08, 2009 06:19 PM