Arlen Specter will be holding a Town Hall Meeting on Health Care Reform again on August 12, 2009. His last Town Hall Meeting in Philadelphia Pa made national headlines.
State College, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8am to 10am
The Penn Stater, President's Hall 4
215 Innovation Boulevard State College, Pa
Stand up America while you still can.
Find a Town Hall Meeting or Tea Party near you.
This is our time to be heard and to send a message to law makers. Philadelphia gave him an earful let's see if State College can do it too!
TEA PARTY PATRIOTSis a web site devoted to publishing all the events related to rallies across the United States.
Take the time to check it out. Find a rally or event you can attend.
HEALTH CARE REFORM - if you don't agree with the current pending legislation ACT!
If you cannot attend a rally and wish to register your vote AGAINST Health Care Reform visit