
Cool weather at Spur Cross

Home Inspector with Sonoran Property Inspections LLC

We had some very unusual weather last night and this morning so we took advantage of it and went for a nice 3 mile hike at Spur Cross in Cave Creek. The views are incredible and the cool weather was fantastic. I think it was about 84 or so and that is a nice relief from the typical 102 or so at the same time normally. Last night we had temps of about 70 and we actually opened the windows, very unusual. If you like to hike , get to Spur Cross, you will love it. To get to Spur Cross go to Cave Creek , Arizona and take Spur Cross road north about 5 miles or so. The road turns to gravel and will dead end at the parking area. 

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Chip Jefferson
Gibbs Realty and Auction Company - Columbia, SC

Sounds like a great hike. Today it was 96 with 100% humidity and my son played baseball fro 5 hours straight. I was under the canopy. HOT!

Aug 08, 2009 07:57 AM
Michael A. Caruso
Surterre Properties - Laguna Niguel, CA

Only 84 during the day! You guys did get some cool weather. Much needed, I'm sure.

Aug 08, 2009 09:13 AM