
Open House Salem Oregon A Man's Wife Is A Tribute To His Life, April Moore, Broker

Real Estate Agent with John L Scott

Today I met a man who was married to one woman for 63 years.    I asked him what one thing did he

attribute to  his successful marriage? He looked down stumbled as tears rolled down his eyes and said

my angel wife and I never went to bed angry. We never allowed the sun to set with anger in our hearts.

No matter what the circumstance we kissed and made up.  He further explained that his wife was his

angel he didn't know it at the time because he said that he didn't recognize her angel qualities until

she was gone.  They were married for 63 years had 5 beautiful children and lived happily until 2 years

and three weeks ago when she died. 

They discovered her illness together finding her sick when she ate her food.  He drove her to the dr and he

came to pick her up later and was called into the dr's office as the dr coldly wrote the words on the bottom

of the page that his beloved wife had cancer.  He asked the dr did you tell my wife she had cancer?  The dr

said well I showed her the same words at the bottom of the page that I'm showing you, Cancer.  He got

up and went to find his beloved wife who sat quietly waiting for her beloved husband to pick her up.  The

small woman didn't say a word and neither did he during the ride home in their car.  He said it wasn't long

after that fatal day his wife died and they took her away.  Sixty three years of a being blessed. 

He looked outside and spyed on the fountain that trinkled the soft sounds of water splashing against

the rocks and said "I built that fountain for my Angel" it was for her the fountain that is a tribute for his

beloved love of his life. 

I'm grateful that I had a pleasure of hearing his story.  The saga continues his house is forsale and his

house will sell.  It doesn't matter who sells the house only the fact the house needs to sell so this man

who is 83 years young can go on with his life and think of his wife who waits for him on the other side of

the great mountain of love.  They will meet again... Someday....

Real Estate is about people not about the houses.  If I can touch the lives of people then my life

is full.  Happy house selling and House Hunting.